IST 210 Research Design

This course will introduce students to the applicability of research in international studies and will familiarize students with the fundamentals of research design through an interdisciplinary lens. Students will learn how to conduct social science research as well as policy oriented research. The course will tackle questions such as what “research” in international studies is and what it entails, what value academic research can add to the “real world,” and the logic of social inquiry. It will engage students with both academic research and policy research. The course will cover a variety of topics including the formulation of research topics/questions, proper strategies for reviewing relevant literature, the foundations of developing theory and testable hypotheses in social science, the design of data collection activities, and exposure to the basics of qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques with a more concerted focus on the former. Topically the course will address many areas of international studies including, comparative politics, international relations, political economy, and history.




IST 110