The Dean’s List is publicized twice yearly, in the CentreTerm for courses completed the preceding fall term and at the beginning of the fall term for courses completed in the preceding Centre and spring terms. The Dean’s List includes all full-time degree candidate students who have attained a 3.600 grade point average or higher in the terms being evaluated. Students must complete eight hours of regularly graded course work in the long term to be eligible for the Dean’s List.
Graduation with Honors. A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of 3.900 or higher shall be graduated summa cum laude. A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of 3.700-3.899 shall be graduated magna cum laude, and students with a cumulative average of 3.500 to 3.699 shall be graduated cum laude. Transfer students’ transfer grades, and grades in any long-term, non-Centre, study away or abroad program will be counted when determining eligibility for graduation with honors. Grades earned in summer school elsewhere will not be counted when determining eligibility for graduation with honors.
The John C. Young Scholars Program is a senior honors program that enables selected students to engage in independent study and research. John C. Young Scholars present their results at a public symposium, and their papers are published in journal form by the College.
Junior Marshals. The distinction of junior marshal is awarded to the 19 members of the junior class with the highest academic standing in their class. Eligible students must have completed a minimum of forty-two credit hours in residence at the College. The president of the Student Government Association serves as junior marshal ex officio. Junior marshals participate in Commencement exercises and other College ceremonies.
Phi Beta Kappa. The Beta chapter of Centre College elects students on the basis of broad cultural interests, scholarly achievement, and good character. Juniors and seniors who are candidates for the bachelor’s degree are eligible for consideration if they have completed a certain number of Phi Beta Kappa - eligible courses while in residence at Centre and are in the top of their respective classes. Ordinarily the top ten percent of the seniors and the top three percent of juniors are eligible for election. Election to Phi Beta Kappa is wholly within the discretion of the members of the Centre chapter, subject only to the limitations imposed by the constitution and by-laws of the chapter and no student shall enjoy a right to election solely by reason of fulfillment of the minimum stated requirements.
Other Honors. Descriptions of other prizes and awards for students may be found under the “College Directory” section of this catalog.