Asian Studies

Interdisciplinary Program

Students can minor in Asian studies at Centre College. The interdisciplinary minor in Asian Studies is a program designed to introduce students to the history, geography, economies, arts, religions, cultures, and languages of East, Southeast, and South Asia. The program also emphasizes introductory knowledge of Asian languages as a necessary means to understanding the region’s traditional and contemporary cultures.

Minors in Asian Studies gain basic proficiencies in the traditions and languages of the region by acquiring fundamental historical, linguistic, and cultural knowledge, as well as learning to use research and analytical tools to challenge and to suggest new avenues for exploration. By enrolling in courses across the disciplines, minors in Asian Studies also learn to interpret and to appreciate cultural production in all its various forms, ranging from the political to the musical to the gastronomic. In this way, students emerge both with elementary proficiency in an Asian language(s) and the cultural knowledge and sensitivity to pursue future work and research opportunities in Asia.

The minor requires a total of 26 credits (including language requirements); however, 11 credits of the minor can be fulfilled with general education requirements and language competency. All students take Chinese and/or Japanese for one year and are strongly encouraged to study abroad and to attend CentreTerms offered in Asia.


John Harney (chair), Kyle Anderson, Dina Badie, Christian Haskett, Judith Jia, Matthew Pierce

Asian Studies Courses

Course Descriptions