The Faculty Handbook is the result of the cumulative work of several Faculty members and administrators. It is prepared in the office of the Dean of the College. It does not constitute a formal contract, but contains general information, regulations, policies, and practices that govern the duties and activities of the Faculty. The information in the handbook is subject to change and should be supplemented by information in the Centre College Catalogue, the Student Handbook, and the minutes of the Faculty and College Council. Each summer the handbook is reviewed by the Dean of the College and, in consultation with the Faculty Steering Committee, changes in policy are incorporated into it. Faculty members receive notification of these changes at the opening Faculty Conference or at the first faculty meeting of the academic year. A new edition of the handbook is issued annually.
The Faculty Handbook is organized into sections, and each section is amended in a specific fashion, as described below. Changes that require action by the Board of Trustees are brought to the Board by the administrative officers of the College, unless other provisions are specifically set out in the handbook. As it is used here, author means to formally initiate change and seek approval; approve means to take formal affirmative action on a proposed change; consult means to inform and provide an opportunity to respond to proposed changes before they are submitted for approval. However, proposals for change in any part of the handbook can originate with the Board, the Administration, the Faculty, or the Council.
Statement of Purpose
The Statement of Purpose sets forth the goals and mission of the College not only as an academic enterprise but also as a comprehensive educational community. It was authored by a group of students, faculty members, and administrators, and approved by the Council of Centre College and the Board of Trustees.
Governance of the College
The section on College governance is revised and amended by the Board of Trustees. Changes in the section on The Administration are authored by the administration, except that Faculty consultation is required before changes are made in the descriptions of the duties of Division Chairs and program chairs. Changes in the section on The Faculty are authored by the Faculty. Changes in the section on The Council are authored by the College Council.
Policies of Centre College Relative to Academic Freedom and the Evaluation of Faculty
The language in this section was authored by a faculty committee and approved by the Faculty and the Board of Trustees. Changes in this section are made with the approval of both bodies.
Terms of Employment
This section contains a variety of policies relating to various aspects of a faculty member's employment at the College. Changes, unless otherwise noted, are authored and approved by the administration, with Board approval when necessary, after consultation with the Faculty, or the Faculty Steering Committee as its representative.
Faculty Policies Relating to Teaching
This section contains a variety of academic policies. Changes in this section, unless otherwise noted, are authored and approved by the Faculty.
Resources, Support Services and Facilities
This section is maintained by the administration. Changes are made in consultation with the Instructional and Technology Resources Committee of the College Council for sections on the Library, Center for Teaching and Learning, and Computers.
The appendices are maintained by their authors, who have the authority to make changes in them, except for the Grievance Procedures and Sexual Harassment Policy, which require Board approval. The authors of the appendices included in this edition of the handbook are the Board of Trustees (By-Laws of Centre College), the Faculty (By-Laws of the Centre College Faculty; Evaluation Forms; Search Guidelines; Questions & Answers on Copyright; Policy on Intellectual Property; Research Integrity), the College Council (By-Laws of the Centre College Council; Sexual Harassment Policy; Acceptable Use Policy), and the Administration (Faculty and Professional Staff Benefits Summary; Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act; Grievance Procedures).