Enrollment Policies

Voluntary Withdrawal from the College

Any student deciding to withdraw from the College must complete an official withdrawal form and relinquish his or her student ID card in the Student Life Office. Failure to do so will result in a $30 withdrawal processing fee. Students who withdraw voluntarily sever their connection with the College and are denied access to campus housing and other facilities at the College. If the student withdraws from the College after the deadline to drop a course without an entry on the permanent record, the student's instructors will be required to report a “WP” or “WU” and an entry will be made on the student's record accordingly. Withdrawals from the College are not permitted during the final examination period. Any student not enrolled in successive terms, other than the summer term, is considered withdrawn from the College unless granted a leave of absence by the Associate Dean.

Medical Withdrawal from the College

Students who must withdraw for physical and/or mental health reasons must submit a timely written request to the Associate Dean. Requests should be submitted at the time the student intends to stop attending classes. A letter from an appropriate licensed physical or mental health professional must accompany the student's request for a medical withdrawal. The letter should provide sufficient detail regarding the student's diagnosis, current condition, and treatment requirements. If the medical withdrawal is granted by the Associate Dean, the student will receive grade of “W” in each of his or her current classes. NOTE: Partial medical withdrawals are not permitted (medical withdrawal from one or two courses while the student is permitted to continue in other courses).

Involuntary Withdrawals and Leaves

If a leave of absence, withdrawal or exception to an academic or residential regulation is based upon medical or psychological factors, the Director of the Parsons Student Health Center and/or the Director of Residence Life/Coordinator of Health and Counseling Services and/or the Assistant Dean for Advising will be involved through the Offices of the Dean of Student Life and the Associate Dean of the College. The Directors and Assistant Dean will usually also be involved in the readmission of any student who is granted a medical or psychological leave or withdrawal. Either Director or the Assistant Dean may recommend to the Dean of Student Life and/or the Associate Dean of the College a mandatory leave or withdrawal for medical or psychological reasons if it would be in the best interest of the student or the College. This action may be taken if, in the opinion of either Director or the Assistant Dean, a student exhibits irresponsible or uncontrolled behavior, which creates or continues either unreasonable risk or clear and present danger to the physical or mental health of the student concerned or others. This mandatory leave or withdrawal will be implemented through the Office of the Dean of Student Life and/or the Associate Dean of the College and is subject to administrative appeal to the Dean of the College, if the student so chooses.

Students who miss more than one-third of a term’s class meetings may be required to withdraw from the College if the Associate Dean and the student’s instructors agree that the student will not be able to make-up missed work in the class.

Leave of Absence from the College

A student in good standing may request a leave of absence from the College for a specified reason and for a specified academic term or terms (up to one year maximum) by petition to the Associate Dean of the College. The request for a leave of absence should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the leave period. Students on leave must relinquish their student ID card at the Student Life Office and are denied access to campus housing and other facilities at the College. Failure to follow these instructions will result in the student's withdrawal from the College. Normally, readmission to the College is automatic at the end of the leave period, except in the case of students who enroll at another college or university during their leave. Such students must submit official transcripts with satisfactory grades and a “Statement of Eligibility to Continue or Return” form completed by an appropriate official at the host institution before they can enroll at the College (see “Application for Readmission” form available from the Registrar's office). Students taking courses elsewhere while on leave of absence should have their courses approved for transfer in advance through the Registrar's Office.

Readmission to the College

Any former student may apply for readmission. Suspended students must wait one long term before applying for readmission. Applications for readmission are reviewed by the Academic Standards Committee or, in some cases, by the Associate Dean on behalf of the Committee. The College reserves the right to require sufficient documentation that the student is qualified and ready to resume full-time studies at the College. An on campus interview with the appropriate Dean or College counselor may be required. Applications for readmission are available in the Registrar's Office and on Centrenet. Readmission to the College is never automatic. A student will not be readmitted if required progress toward graduation is not feasible, or if continued separation is considered to be in the best interest of the student or the College. Students must return the completed application, along with all required materials, so that the Associate Dean receives it by November 30, December 30, or July 30 for Centre, spring or fall terms, respectively.

Students who were suspended for academic reasons or who withdrew under academic probation must demonstrate a clear understanding of the causes for their academic difficulties, must describe the activities they have undertaken to address and overcome the causes of their problems, and must submit an academic plan for the completion of their degree requirements. Suspended and probationary students who are readmitted will have academic stipulations placed on their continued enrollment at the College. Students suspended twice are rarely readmitted to the College. In the case of a voluntary withdrawal for medical/psychological reasons, or any administrative withdrawal related to a physical or mental health condition, the student must submit a written progress assessment from a treating health professional with the readmission application, describing the student's current condition and indicating that the student is ready to resume full-time studies at the College. The Associate Dean requires a release from the student to discuss current treatment and follow-up needs with the treating health professional. Readmission will not be granted if there is any doubt that the student can manage full-time course work or if the College is unable to provide or the student is unable to secure appropriate follow-up care.

Reinstatement of merit awards for readmitted students is not automatic. Students should check with the Financial Aid Office. In the case of suspended students and students who withdrew on academic probation, specific academic stipulations may condition the reinstatement of a merit award. Enrollment of readmitted students and of students returning from leave of absence is subject to clearance with the Finance Office to make certain that the student has no outstanding financial obligations to the College. In addition, the payment of a $300 nonrefundable deposit is to be made to the Finance Office.