Emergency Procedures

Crisis Management Plan

A campus wide Crisis Management Plan is located at the Public Safety office. The mission of the plan is to provide a coordinated, effective response in the event of a natural or man-made disaster on or around the Centre College campus, to provide for the health and safety of all affected individuals within the Centre community, to minimize property damage, and to return Centre College to normal operating conditions following such an emergency. Designated safe places and other pertinent information regarding severe weather and other safety evacuation procedures are posted in all campus buildings.

Emergency Mass Notification System

The Department of Public Safety has implemented a campus-wide emergency mass notification system. In the event of an emergency, this system will simultaneously e-mail, call, and text all students, faculty, and staff with information concerning the emergency. All students will be signed up for this service at the beginning of each academic year. Students will be able to opt out of receiving emergency texts and calls.

Emergency notification television monitors are located in Crounse, Carnegie, Cowan, McReynolds, the Norton Center, Young Hall, and in the Campus Center. These devices will allow the department to notify members of the campus community during an emergency in these areas where cell phones may not be readily available. The monitors will only be activated in the event of an actual emergency where further action is necessary. These units will supplement the emergency mass notification text-messaging system.

Help Number

The on-campus emergency telephone number is HELP (ext. 4357), or if calling from an off-campus location, 236-HELP (236-4357).

Emergency Telephones

Emergency telephones are at the following locations on campus: the northeast corner of Yerkes, the southeast corner of the Jones Visual Arts Center, on a post in front of Chowan, and outside the east entrance to the Ruby Cheek House. Pressing the red button (dialing is not necessary) located on the front of the telephones provides direct line access to the officer on duty. There is also a courtesy phone located inside the red international phone booth next to the Walnut House. DPS may be contacted by dialing ext. 4357.

Severe Weather/Tornado Warning

If a severe weather situation or emergency arises, the Department of Public Safety will alert the entire campus by activating the Emergency Mass Notification System. In the event of a tornado watch, a mass e-mail will be sent to alert everyone to be aware of changing weather conditions.

General Disasters

If a disaster situation arises in the area, the Department of Public Safety will take the necessary steps needed to notify all members of the College community of the disaster. At this time the department will inform the College community of any procedures and precautions which need to be taken as a result of the emergency situation.

Mental Health Emergencies

A student experiencing a mental health emergency may contact the Department of Public Safety at 859-236-4357 to access an on-call member of the Counseling Services staff, or 859-238-5740 for an on-call phone number. Students may also call “911” or go to the Emergency Room of Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center. The recommended Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is 1-800-273-8255.

Maintenance Emergencies

In the event there is a maintenance emergency after normal business hours or on weekends, the Department of Public Safety should be notified. The safety officer on duty will contact the on-call Facilities Management employee and he/she will respond to the situation as needed.

Dialing “911”

In the event of a serious emergency requiring the response of local emergency personnel, dial 9-911 from a campus extension, and also contact the on-duty campus safety personnel immediately at ext. 4357(HELP).