Fire Safety Regulations and Policies

  1. Smoking is not allowed inside any student residential facility belonging to the College, including individual rooms.
  2. Electric appliances and other items such as, but not limited to, hotplates, George Foreman type grills, toaster ovens, frying pans, waffle irons, portable heaters, microwave ovens (900-1200 watts), refrigerators (over 6 cubic feet), self-installed ceiling fans, halogen lamps, candles, candle warmers, wax melters, incense, live Christmas trees, and air conditioners may not be used in any residence hall room.
  3. No more than one over-stuffed chair or one sofa may be placed in any residence hall room.
  4. Extension cords may be used on a limited basis but must be UL approved, heavy-duty 14-gauge wire, and may not be located under a bed or rug.
  5. Motorcycles and bicycles may not be kept in the residence hall/house rooms, hallways, stairwells, or in any other location which would interfere with fire exits from the building or cause a safety hazard for others. Locked bicycle sheds are located at three locations on campus.
  6. All Christmas or other decorations must be fire proof and the lights UL approved and must be taken down before students leave for break. Live Christmas trees are not permitted.
  7. Candles, oil lamps, or other open-flamed items for decorations or for any other use are prohibited.
  8. Fog/Smoke machines are not allowed in campus buildings without prior consent from the Directors of Public Safety.
  9. Access to and from residence hall/house rooms (doors and windows) must be kept clear. Clothing, trash, books, etc. must not be placed in such a manner as to inhibit easy entrance to or exit from the room.
  10. All carpet must be fire resistant.
  11. Strategically located fire extinguishers must be used only in accordance with the instructions listed on the side of each extinguisher.
  12. Fires may be burned in outdoor grills only under the following conditions:
    1. When a specific person fills out in advance a registration form available from the Department of Public Safety and takes responsibility for assuring safe conditions and seeing that the registered fire is extinguished;
    2. When a fire extinguisher is kept nearby;
    3. At times prior to midnight.

      A copy of regulations and procedures will be provided by the Department of Public Safety to any person(s) requesting permission to build such fires.

  13. The use or possession of fireworks anywhere on campus at any time is prohibited. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.
  14. Flammable materials may not be stored in any residence unit. Contact the Department of Public Safety for authorized areas of storage. For further information concerning storage, see the section on Residence Life in this Handbook.
  15. Safety inspections for every residence hall room are conducted during fall break. Safety violations and/or fire hazards are noted and those students found to be in violation are notified. A re-inspection of those rooms found to be in violation is conducted during Thanksgiving break. Students who have not made corrections are held responsible and are fined for a safety violation and for their lack of compliance.
  16. Please refer to the Standard Fines listing in this section of the Handbook for any of the previously mentioned violations.