
The Grading System

The following grading system applies to all students matriculating at Centre.

Symbol Value Description
A 4.000 Excellent
A- 3.670 Very Good
B+ 3.330 Good
B 3.000 Very Satisfactory
B- 2.670 Satisfactory
C+ 2.330 Fair
C 2.000 Average
C- 1.670 Poor
D 1.000 Marginal
U 0.000 Unsatisfactory
P * None A non-competitive passing mark awarded for work at the C- level or above
WP* None Withdrew passing
WU 0.0 Withdrew Unsatisfactory
I* None Incomplete
W* None Withdrew
AU* None Audit

*Not used in computing the grade point average (the total of grade points earned divided by the number of credit hours attempted).

A grade of "I" (Incomplete) is awarded only when the student is unable to complete the course for unavoidable cause such as illness, death in the family, or accident. The "I" automatically becomes a "U" unless a final grade is turned in within thirty days or unless a further extension is granted by the Associate Dean on the written request of the instructor.

Courses taken under the Pass/Unsatisfactory grading option may not be applied toward major requirements nor may they be used to fulfill general education requirements. The obvious exceptions to this rule are courses offered on a Pass/Unsatisfactory basis only. Major courses taken beyond the minimum requirements of the major, or general education courses not used to fulfill the general education requirement, also may be taken on a Pass/Unsatisfactory basis. Members of the faculty may not, except by action of the Academic Standards Committee, change a final grade after it has been filed with the Registrar.

First-year Grades

At the end of four weeks into the fall and spring terms, faculty members shall submit to the Registrar progress reports for every First-year student based on at least one substantive assignment. The reports will be sent to the student's academic advisor as a critical indication of the student's academic adjustment.

Mid-term Grades

During the long terms, faculty members shall submit reports to the Registrar online via Centrenet of those students whose work would be regarded as either unsatisfactory or marginal at the mid-term ("D's" and "U's"). Mid-term reports must be completed by every instructor even if it is only to indicate that there are no failing or marginal grades in a particular class. The prompt receipt of these reports is essential to the advising system, because all kinds of support systems (tutoring, learning and study skill sessions, counseling) can be put in motion. For that reason the faculty is urged to give some kind of test, exercise, or paper well before the seventh week of class. The Registrar will then notify the student and the advisor of such deficiency at the end of the seventh week.

Reporting Grades

Faculty members must submit final grades online via Centrenet by the deadline announced in advance by the Registrar’s Office. Normally, final grades are due two or three days following the last day of final exams. In the spring, final grades for graduating seniors are due the day after the last exam. Faculty members are reminded that late grades significantly disrupt the academic review process conducted by the Academic Standards Committee immediately following the final grade submission deadline.

End-of-term grade reports are made available to students via the Internet approximately five days after the last final exam. Students will not have access to their grades for two weeks if they did not complete a course evaluation by the deadline. Grades are not mailed to students unless specifically requested in writing. Grades can be mailed to the parents, if the parents submit a request in writing accompanied by a tax return or other official document verifying the students as dependents. Students themselves may request that grades be sent to their parents. (A description of Centre's policy on The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act can be found in Appendix F.)

Changing Grades, Grade Appeals, and Keeping Student Work

(Approved by the Faculty 10/14/13)

Changing Grades

Members of the faculty may not, except by action of the Academic Standards Committee of the Curriculum Committee of the Faculty, change a final grade after it has been filed with the Registrar. Grade changes based on clerical errors may be approved by the Associate Dean and reported to the Academic Standards Committee. Requests to change a grade for reasons other than clerical must be made in writing to the Academic Standards Committee. Requests to change a grade for any reason must be made no later than the end of the sixth week of the following long term.

Grade Appeals

Grading is a matter of professional judgment and is the responsibility of the course instructor. Questions concerning the reasonableness of grading should be addressed first to the course instructor no later than the end of the sixth week of the following long term. If after consultation with the instructor the student believes that a final grade has been unfairly determined or that considerations other than professional judgment have influenced the grade, petition should be made to the Associate Dean. If after conferences among the instructor, the student, and the Associate Dean there is still disagreement, an appeal may be made in writing to the Academic Standards Committee. The decision of the Academic Standards Committee is final. Faculty members will minimize student challenges by clearly announcing and observing their policies regarding expectations, standards, and attendance for the course.

Keeping Student Work

Faculty members should keep a student’s unreturned papers, tests, and examinations for a period of six months following the end of the course.

Repeated Courses

Students may repeat a Centre College course graded D or U, in which case, only the most recent grade will be computed into the cumulative grade point average. The course must be repeated at Centre College. The original grade (D or U) remains on the transcript. Grades of U in convocations always remain a part of the cumulative grade point average.


  1. Students repeating a letter-graded course must take the course for a letter grade the second time to take advantage of the repeated grade policy. Likewise, students repeating a pass/unsatisfactory course must take the course on a pass/unsatisfactory basis the second time to take advantage of the repeated grade policy.
  2. Students may not use the repeated grade policy to return to the College following graduation to improve their grade point average. Grade averages are restarted following graduation for students who return for additional course work. The College is not obligated to provide students with an opportunity to repeat any course.