Student Employees
The services of student employees are available to members of the faculty. The intent of the program is to provide meaningful work experiences and job skills for students who need financial assistance to obtain their education.
Requests for such services should be made in February using forms provided by the finance office as part of the budget request process. Budget managers will distribute these forms to the faculty. A job description is required, specifying the skills needed by the student for the particular assignment. Requests must include an estimate of the number of hours per week for which the student's services will be utilized. Each spring, returning student employees are given the opportunity to contract with a supervisor for employment for the upcoming academic year. As long as a student maintains eligibility for federal work study assistance, these contracts will be honored. Requests for student employees not covered by this program will be honored only after our federal obligations are fulfilled and if funds are available.
The supervisors of work-study students should establish from the beginning the expectations which they have for a student's performance on the job and provide a copy of the job description to them. If these expectations are not met, supervisors should discuss this with the student and write a note of warning, with a copy being sent to the student employment coordinator. There is a process in place for dismissing student employees for unsatisfactory job performance. Please contact the student employee coordinator to determine appropriate action.
Each month, student employees complete an on-line student work time sheet via CentreNet. It is the student’s responsibility to enter the correct work hours, “finalize” the information, and then the supervisor approves the time sheet via CentreNet. Supervisors will receive reminder emails regarding student employment information, time sheets, and the approval process. Students should record only those hours actually worked. Falsified reporting of student hours is illegal. The supervisor and the student should share the responsibility of tracking the total dollars earned throughout the academic year. Students are not permitted to earn more than their award amount using federally subsidized funds. Since a portion of work-study funds comes from a federal grant, the administration of the program is subject to federal audit.