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Catalog 2023-2024
Course Descriptions
> REL - Religion
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AAS - African and African American Studies
AES - Aerospace Studies
AMS - Army Military Studies
ANT - Anthropology
ARB - Arabic
ASL - American Sign Language
ARH - Art History
ARS - Art Studio
ASN - Asian Studies
BFS - Brown Fellows Seminar
BIO - Biology
BMB - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BNS - Behavioral Neuroscience
BUS - Business
CHE - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CLA - Classical Studies
CRW - Creative Writing
CSC - Computer Science
DSC - Data Science
DLM - Doctrina Lux Mentis
ECO - Economics and Finance
EDU - Education
ENG - English
ENS - Environmental Studies
FLM - Film Studies
FRE - French
FYS - First-Year Studies
GER - German
GLC - Global Commerce
GNS - Gender Studies
GRK - Greek
HIS - History
HUM - Humanities
IST - International Studies
JPN - Japanese
LAS - Latin American Studies
LAT - Latin
LIN - Linguistics
MAT - Mathematics
MUS - Music
NSC - Natural Science
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POL - Politics
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
SLJ - Social Justice
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
THR - Theatre
WEL - Wellness
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REL - Religion
REL 101
Introduction to Judaism and Jewish Traditions
REL 102
Introduction to Christianity and Christian Traditions
REL 103
Introduction to Islam and Islamic Traditions
REL 110
Biblical History and Ideas
REL 130
Asian Religions
REL 131
Introduction to Hinduism and Hindu Traditions
REL 132
Introduction to Buddhism and Buddhist Traditions
REL 140
Philosophy of Religion
REL 150
Western Religious Traditions
REL 151
Religions of Africa
REL 152
African Diaspora Religions (Caribbean, Latin America, and the U.S.)
REL 221
Performing Tradition: Art, Religion, Globalization
REL 234
The History of Heaven and Hell
REL 244
Religion and Violence
REL 245
Religion and Nature
REL 251
Black Religions, Resistance, and Social Movements
REL 252
Black Religion and Popular Culture
REL 278
Philosophies and Theologies of Resistance in El Salvador
REL 299
Understanding Religion
REL 305
Religious Identity Through Food
REL 310
The Art of Pilgrimage
REL 311
Holy Lands: Sacred Realities and Political Stories
REL 315
New Testament and Heretical Literature
REL 317
Illness, Healing and Miracles
REL 318
Images of Jesus in Text and Art
REL 326
Apocalypse: Now and Then
REL 328
Women in the Ancient World
REL 329
Dying for God
REL 333
The Qur’an: Themes and Interpretations in Islam
REL 334
Islam in America
REL 340
Poverty and Homelessness
REL 344
Religion and Violence
REL 345
Christian Ethics and Public Issues
REL 347
Liberation Theologies
REL 350
The Holocaust
REL 352
Sociology of American Religion
REL 353
REL 354
Sexuality and Religious Controversies
REL 355
The Politics of Religious Identities
REL 356
Holy Violence: From Saints to Suicide Bombers
REL 357
Religions of Rome
REL 375
Augustine and the “Dark Ages”
REL 376
Religion in Latin America
REL 379
Sacred Space in South Asia
REL 380
Gender and Sexuality in Islam
REL 381
Shari’a Justice: Visions of Rights and Responsibilities in Islam
REL 385
Sufism and Islamic Spirituality
REL 454
Religion and Human Rights in a Global Society
REL 456
Life and Death in Varanasi
REL 459
Jews, Christians, Muslims
REL 499
Senior Seminar Research
REL 500
Research Topics in Religious Studies
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