Article VI Officers of the College

Officers of the College

1. Officers of the College shall be the President (who shall be elected annually by the Board at the annual meeting), a Treasurer, and such other officers as the Board, upon the recommendation of the President, deems to be necessary. The persons appointed to serve as officers and the duties thereof shall be as agreed upon annually by the Board upon the recommendation of the President.

2. The President shall attend all meetings of the Board and serve as a non-voting, ex officio member of all standing and special committees of the Board.

3. The President of the College shall be the chief executive officer of the College. The President shall have all authority necessary to conduct the program of the College, except that which may be expressly withheld by the Board. The President shall be empowered to delegate authority among subordinate administrative officers, councils, senates, and committees. The President shall serve as the official channel of communication between members of the faculty, students, and administrative personnel, and the Trustees. The President shall report to the Board and to the Executive Committee at their meetings and at such other times as they may require.

4. The President shall have authority, on behalf of the College, to enter into legal and financial transactions and to execute all deeds, mortgages, notes, bonds, contracts, and other legal instruments, subject to the limitations created by these Bylaws, specifically, Article IX, Section 1, and by resolution of the Board.

5. In the case of the disability of the President, the Board or the Executive Committee of the Board shall promptly appoint someone to act on the President's behalf during the time of disability.