The Grading System

The following grading system applies to all students matriculating at Centre.

Symbol Value Description
A 4.000 Excellent
A- 3.670 Very Good
B+ 3.330 Good
B 3.000 Very Satisfactory
B- 2.670 Satisfactory
C+ 2.330 Fair
C 2.000 Average
C- 1.670 Poor
D 1.000 Marginal
U 0.000 Unsatisfactory
P * None A non-competitive passing mark awarded for work at the C- level or above
WP* None Withdrew passing
WU 0.0 Withdrew Unsatisfactory
I* None Incomplete
W* None Withdrew
AU* None Audit

*Not used in computing the grade point average (the total of grade points earned divided by the number of credit hours attempted).

A grade of "I" (Incomplete) is awarded only when the student is unable to complete the course for unavoidable cause such as illness, death in the family, or accident. The "I" automatically becomes a "U" unless a final grade is turned in within thirty days or unless a further extension is granted by the Associate Dean on the written request of the instructor.

Courses taken under the Pass/Unsatisfactory grading option may not be applied toward major requirements nor may they be used to fulfill general education requirements. The obvious exceptions to this rule are courses offered on a Pass/Unsatisfactory basis only. Major courses taken beyond the minimum requirements of the major, or general education courses not used to fulfill the general education requirement, also may be taken on a Pass/Unsatisfactory basis. Members of the faculty may not, except by action of the Academic Standards Committee, change a final grade after it has been filed with the Registrar.