Promotion for Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Non-Tenure Track Faculty who teach a minimum of 12 credit hours per academic year on average (approximately 2/3 of a full-time position) are eligible for promotion to all academic ranks.
Reviews for promotion will follow the same timetable for tenure-track faculty.
Promotion to the Rank of Assistant Professor
An instructor, upon completion of the terminal degree or its equivalent in training or professional experience, normally shall be reappointed at the rank of Assistant Professor. This rank may be granted upon hire.
Promotion to the Rank of Associate Professor
The Special Subcommittee on Promotions of the Committee on Tenure and Reappointment shall review each candidate for promotion to Associate Professor and make its recommendation to the Dean of the College by the Wednesday before spring break; the Dean shall make their recommendation to the President of the College by the second Wednesday after spring break. Normally, at its spring meeting, the President shall recommend for or against promotion to the Board of Trustees, which has the right to approve or disapprove the promotion.
In making a recommendation for promotion, the Special Subcommittee on Promotions shall consult with the Division Chair and Associate Dean of the College, as well as any administrative supervisors who oversee the candidate’s work. The committee shall review the candidate based on the relevant professional performance standards as stipulated in their contract (See Performance Standards and Ranks and Professional Standards for Rank). In general, a non-tenured Associate Professor shall have attained a strong record of effective teaching, kept abreast of major changes in their field for teaching purposes and performed meaningful service to the College and campus community.
Promotion to the Rank of Professor
The Special Subcommittee on Promotions of the Committee on Tenure and Reappointment shall review each candidate for promotion to Professor and make its recommendation to the Dean of the College by the Wednesday before spring break; the Dean shall make his or her recommendation to the President of the College by the second Wednesday after spring break. Normally, at its spring meeting, the President shall recommend for or against promotion to the Board of Trustees, which has the right to approve or disapprove the promotion.
In making a recommendation for promotion, the Special Subcommittee on Promotions shall consult with the Division Chair and Associate Dean of the College, as well as any administrative supervisors who oversee the candidate’s work. The committee shall review the candidate based on the relevant professional performance standards as stipulated in their contract (See Performance Standards and Ranks and Professional Standards for Rank). In general, a non-tenured Professor shall have maintained a strong record of effective teaching, kept abreast of major changes in their field for teaching purposes and sustained meaningful service to the College and campus community.