A. Policy Making Structure
Ultimate management and control of Centre College rests with a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees which elects the President of the College to serve as its executive officer and as the chief executive officer of the College. The President “shall have all authority necessary to conduct the program of the College, except that which may be expressly withheld by the Board.” (By-laws, Art. VI. 3) The President reports to the Board of Trustees and is responsible for submitting to it “a comprehensive annual budget for the operation of the College.” Once this budget has been approved by the Board, the President “shall be authorized to conduct the affairs of the College in accordance with the budget.” (By-laws, Art. IX.1)
The Board of Trustees of Centre College holds the final legal and fiscal responsibility for the institution. It is comprised of more than twenty and limited to 36 members, serving for a term of up to four years. The Board of Trustees exercises general oversight and control of all affairs of the College. It generally concerns itself with major matters of policy, including but not limited to College finances and fund-raising; academic and non-academic programs; physical facilities; election of the officers of administration; ratification of appointments to the Faculty; promoting and granting tenure to members of the Faculty; and the awarding of academic and honorary degrees.