206 Promotions and Transfers
The College encourages promotions from within whenever practical. Where appropriate, a regular staff member may be promoted or transferred to another position in the same department without the position being posted. Because Centre is a relatively small college, with many departments only having one director, promotional opportunities to that level will not be available unless that position is vacated.
Directors should make any promotion request directly to their Senior Staff representative. Any Senior Staff representative interested in having a promotion considered should discuss the matter with Human Resources. Employee eligibility for promotion will be determined by the requirements of the current position held in relation to the open position. New or additional duties may be added to a job description, without it being considered a promotion due to changes in technology, change in processes, or a variety of reasons that may occur over a given period of time. All of these are evaluated by Human Resources with the Senior Staff representative and the director of the appropriate area. In addition, to be considered, employees should have held their current position for at least six (6) months, have a satisfactory performance record and have no disciplinary actions during the same period.
Generally, in looking at promotions a person may move from Assistant, to Associate to Director. In consideration of titles, the College may use some titles (Associate/Assistant Dean) in only certain departmental areas as these titles are a common practice amongst comparison higher education colleges and/or universities.
Transfer requests that would not involve a meaningful salary increase will be considered, but are not encouraged. Persons interested in a promotion or transfer should make their interests known to the Human Resource Department.