Good Samaritan and Medical Amnesty Policies

Good Samaritan Policy: In order to promote the safety of all Centre students in situations involving medical risk from alcohol or drug consumption, any student, or organization, who, in good faith, calls DPS, 911, or the Student Life Office to assist another student needing emergency and/or medical attention will not be cited for any offense under the alcohol or drug policies.

Medical Amnesty Policy: Any student needing emergency and/or medical attention will not be cited for any offense under the alcohol or drug policy but will be required to complete alcohol or drug education and may undergo a substance abuse assessment as deemed appropriate by the Dean of Students or designated official.

Reporting students must complete the following responsible actions:

  1. Call 911, DPS, or RA
  2. Stay with the individual needing assistance until emergency services arrive
  3. Cooperate with college officials, law enforcement and emergency officials

If a student violates any College policy while intoxicated, other than the alcohol or drug policies (i.e. drug distribution, vandalism, theft, etc.), those infractions are subject to citation under this policy.

If the student is taken to the hospital, the College reserves the right to contact the student’s parents/guardian per the College Parent Notification Policy for Non Academic Concerns.

Following an amnesty report involving a student and/or student organization, involved parties will be required to attend meetings with College officials to discuss the incident and develop plans to prevent future incidents. Organizations that develop a pattern of needing assistance for students and not following risk management plans developed from past incidents will be subject to further review and action at the discretion of the Student Life Office.