Pass-Unsatisfactory Grading

After attaining junior standing, a student may enroll in courses on a Pass-Unsatisfactory basis, with a maximum of seven credit hours of Pass-Unsatisfactory course work to be counted for graduation (excluding courses offered only on a Pass-Unsatisfactory basis). A maximum of four credit hours may be taken on a Pass-Unsatisfactory basis in a given term. First-years and sophomores may enroll in regularly graded applied music courses on a Pass-Unsatisfactory basis but those hours will be counted against the seven-hour limit. Courses taken under the Pass-Unsatisfactory grading option may not be applied toward general education and major requirements. The obvious exception to this rule is a course offered only on a Pass-Unsatisfactory basis. Major courses taken beyond the minimum requirements of the major also may be taken on a Pass-Unsatisfactory basis. Students enrolled in off-campus programs may not take courses on a Pass-Unsatisfactory basis during that term, including CentreTerm off-campus courses. Courses used to fulfill the basic competency requirement in mathematics or foreign language, or the requirement of an additional course above the basic competency level in foreign language, mathematics or in computer science, may be taken on a Pass-Unsatisfactory basis. Within two weeks after the beginning of a long term or two days after the beginning of a CentreTerm, a student may elect to change from a regularly graded status to a Pass-Unsatisfactory basis. Within eight weeks after the beginning of a long term or two weeks after the beginning of CentreTerm, a student may revert from a Pass-Unsatisfactory status to a regularly graded status. At the conclusion of a course, the instructor will report regular grades for all students and, if a student has registered on a Pass-Unsatisfactory basis, the registrar will record a “P” for grades of “C-” or better, a “D” for grades of “D,” and a “U” for grades of “U.”