Appendix G: Grievance Procedures at the College


The College is required under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the requirements of other governmental bodies, by external agencies for accreditation and recognition, and by its own policy, to have procedures to ensure full compliance with Title IX and other requirements and regulations and to have and to make known procedures for dealing with any grievances on the part of students, Faculty members, and other employees of the College.

A full set of grievance procedures was developed in 1976, was widely distributed and posted at that time, and has been in effect and posted since October of that year. That statement of grievance procedures, amended only as to form and to bring the titles of certain committees in conformity to present usage, was reaffirmed in 1982 and updated in 1986 and in 1991.

In 1990, a sexual harassment policy was adopted by the College. This policy has been added to these Appendices. Complaints of sexual harassment may be pursued as formal grievances according to the procedures set forth below. However, a Sexual Harassment Advisory Committee was established in 1991, members of which may attempt to mediate such complaints, if possible, in confidence and without recourse to official sanctions or punitive measures. Refer to the College’s policy on sexual harassment for appropriate definitions and Sexual Harassment Advisory Committee procedures.

I. The first step in resolving any alleged grievance is ordinarily for the aggrieved person to discuss the matter with the person he or she feels to be responsible for the offense. Under some circumstances, however, the person alleging the grievance may prefer to discuss the matter first with a College officer, not the alleged offender.

II. If in doubt about the grievance procedure or proper action under it, students should consult with the Vice President and Dean of Students; Vice President and Dean of the College; Faculty members, the Associate Dean; and all other employees, the Vice President for Finance and Treasurer. In cases of alleged sexual harassment, individuals may wish to contact a member of the Sexual Harassment Advisory Committee for counsel and possible mediation.

III. At each step in the grievance procedure, an attempt is to be made to resolve the issue involved. If the issue cannot be satisfactorily resolved in that way, the next step in the procedure is then taken.

IV. The grievance procedure for students is as follows:

  1. If the alleged grievance has occurred in the instructional program of the College, the situation should be discussed with the Associate Dean; other cases should be discussed with the Vice President and Dean of Students. If the matter is not resolved,
  2. Discuss the matter with the Dean of the College. Prior to this conference a written statement of the alleged grievance will be required if it has not previously been prepared.
  3. Subsequent to this, a hearing may be requested before the Dean of the College; at this hearing there is the right to present additional evidence related to the alleged grievance and to be represented by counsel.
  4. Final appeal may be made to the president of the College.

V. The grievance procedure for Faculty members is fully described in the document Policies of Centre College of Kentucky Relative to Academic Freedom, Tenure and Other Professional Standards and Processes for Their Implementation, Section VII.

VI. The grievance procedure for employees of the College other than Faculty members is as follows:

  1. Discuss the matter with the College officer at the vice president level responsible for administration of the part of the College’s program in which the allegedly aggrieved person is employed. If the matter is not resolved,
  2. A hearing may be requested before the Vice President for Finance and Treasurer; at this hearing there is the right to present additional evidence related to the alleged grievance and to be represented by counsel.
  3. Final appeal may be made to the President of the College.