Reporting Grades

Faculty members must submit final grades online via Centre Net by the deadline announced in advance by the Registrar’s Office. Normally, final grades are due two or three days following the last day of final exams. In the spring, final grades for graduating seniors are due the day after the last exam. Faculty are reminded that late grades significantly disrupt the academic review process conducted by the Academic Standards Committee immediately following the final grade submission deadline.

End-of-term grade reports are made available to students via the Internet approximately five days after the last final exam. Students will not have access to their grades for two weeks if they did not complete a course evaluation by the deadline. Grades are not mailed to students unless specifically requested in writing. Grades can be mailed to the parents, if the parents submit a request in writing accompanied by a tax return or other official document verifying the students as dependents. Students themselves may request that grades be sent to their parents. (A description of Centre's policy on The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act can be found in Appendix F.)