Responsibilities of the Organization Supervisor

  1. Comply with all state and federal labor laws.
  2. Provide a working environment which allows the student to gain experience relevant to the field.
  3. Provide regular feedback to students through regular meetings and email.
  4. Provide the intern with a schedule comprise of no less than 70% substantive work.
  5. Provide the intern with a desk, computer and/or other necessary tools in order to effectively complete internship responsibilities.
  6. Provide intern with information regarding the internship site policies and procedures regarding the dress code; professional, legal and ethical behavior; emergency preparedness, etc.
  7. Notify the Center for Career & Professional Development in a timely and reasonable manner if any problems arise, particularly those that might result in the dismissal/termination of the intern.
  8. Evaluate the student’s performance at mid-term and at the end of the internship and submit the evaluation form to the Center for Career & Professional Development.