On-Going Evaluation of all Faculty
Members of the Centre College Faculty shall be evaluated annually on the basis of their performance in each of the three areas defined in Performance Standards: effective teaching, scholarly and professional activity and achievement, and service to the College and community.
The performance of all members of the Faculty with regular appointments shall be reviewed annually by the President, the Dean of the College, the Associate Dean, and the appropriate Division Chair. Untenured Faculty members shall receive a review letter every year; Associate Professors shall receive a letter every other year; and Professors shall receive a letter every third year. These evaluations shall be based principally on student course evaluations, reports of classroom visits, the curriculum vitae, the annual Faculty Activity Summary (see Faculty Activity Summaries) and other information that Faculty members may provide.
Untenured Faculty members on either regular or visiting appointments shall be evaluated annually for purposes of reappointment and tenure. In addition, as part of the tenure process, untenured members of the Faculty with regular appointments shall be evaluated by the Committee on Tenure and Reappointment and by the Dean of the College at the mid-point of their probationary period (i.e., a mid-probationary review during their third year, or during the second or third year for Faculty members whose probationary period is four or five years, respectively) and during the year prior to the final year of probation.