II. Resources

The College offers assistance and non-judgmental support to any party involved in an incident of sexual misconduct. The College understands that individuals involved in an incident of sexual misconduct will have questions and may need the support of on- and off-campus services. All parties are encouraged to utilize both on-campus and off-campus resources for assistance.

Any member of the College community involved in an incident of sexual misconduct can expect:

  • The opportunity to meet with the Title IX Coordinator, a Deputy Title IX Coordinator, or (in the case of absence or conflict of interest) other employees designated by the Title IX Coordinator to answer questions regarding the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and/or complaint procedures for students and employees. 
  • Details about available on- and off-campus confidential resources, including medical assistance and counseling services. 
  • Information on the option to file a complaint with law enforcement authorities and assistance, if requested from the Department of Public Safety or other College officials in notifying and communicating with such authorities. 
  • Immediate measures by the College to prevent unnecessary or unwelcomed contact with or proximity to the other party. Such measures may include housing relocation, the imposition of no-contact orders, and adjustments to course or work schedules to prevent contact, as determined appropriate by the Title IX Coordinator or an official designated by the Title IX Coordinator.
  • The right to be free from retaliation.

Title IX Coordinator and Title IX Team

The College’s Title IX Team shall consist of the Title IX Coordinator, the Deputy Title IX Coordinator, the Directors of the Office of Public Safety, the Director of Diversity and Inclusion Programming, and a designated representative each from the Office of Student Life, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Department of Athletics.

The Title IX Coordinator is the designated representative of the College with primary responsibility for coordinating the College’s Title IX compliance efforts. The Title IX Coordinator has responsibility to lead the Team and designate members of the Team and other employees for specific tasks. The Title IX Team shall ensure that the College responds to all reports in a timely, effective, and consistent manner. The Team is charged with the review, investigation, and resolution of all reports of sexual misconduct. Any member of the Team can be contacted with questions about the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy or with concerns about sexual misconduct at the College. The Team will provide resources and will also discuss options for pursuing both informal and formal resolution of a sexual misconduct complaint. Please note: All of the members of the Title IX Team are required to report, to the Title IX Coordinator, any reports of sexual misconduct. Please see below, under Section III, “Confidentiality” for a full explanation of list of confidential resources.

The members of the Title IX Team for 2018-2019 are:

Kay L. Drake, Title IX Coordinator, Investigator

Vice President for Human Resources and Administrative Services

Horky House, first floor



Sarah Cramer, Title IX Team Member

Sexual Assault Prevention & Education Specialist

Horky House, first floor



Brian W. Daniel, Title IX Team Member

Director of Residence Life

Nevin Hall Residence Office, Room 112B



Ashley Oliver, Title IX Team Member

Director of Diversity and Inclusion Programming

Campus Center, second floor



Gina Nicoletti-Bellinger, Title IX Team Member

Associate Athletic Director

Sutcliffe Hall, Athletics administration office



Gary Bugg, Title IX Team Member, Investigator

Director of Public Safety

Public Safety Office, West Walnut Street



Kevin Milby, Title IX Team Member, Investigator

Director of Public Safety

Public Safety Office, West Walnut Street



Dr. Mary Gulley, Title IX Team Member

Asst. Dean for Advising, Asst. Professor of Psychology

Old Centre, Dean’s Office



The Title IX Team oversees the resolution of reported sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct through the College’s resolution processes. The appropriate process followed will be determined by the role of the person alleged to have violated this Policy:

  • Complaints against Students will be resolved under the direction of the Vice President and Dean of Student Life: 859-238-5471.
  • Complaints against Staff will be resolved under the direction of the Vice President for Human Resources and Administrative Services: 859-238-5467.
  • Complaints against Faculty will be resolved under the direction of the Vice President for Academic Affairs: 859-238-5226 or Associate Dean: 859-238-5205.
  • Complaints against non-student/faculty/staff visitors to campus will be resolved under the direction of the Title IX Coordinator or a college official designated by the Title IX Coordinator:  859-238-5467.

Questions or concerns may also be directed to the Office of Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education. (The OCR Office for colleges in the state of Kentucky is in Philadelphia.)

U.S. Department of Education

Office for Civil Rights

100 Penn Square East, Suite 515

Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323

Telephone: 215-656-8541

TDD: 877-521-2172

Fax: 215-656-8605

E-mail: OCR.Philadelphia@ed.gov

What to Do if You Need Immediate Help

Any student, employee, or member of the College community who experiences sexual violence is encouraged to immediately notify law enforcement (911) and/or seek immediate medical assistance. Centre College’s Department of Public Safety will provide transportation, upon request. The Department of Public Safety can be reached at 859-236-4357 or by dialing for “HELP” (4357) on a campus phone.

If you have experienced sexual violence, you are advised to:

  1. Go to a safe place.
  2. Call someone that you trust - a good friend, your family, a counselor, or a chaplain.
  3. Seek medical care as soon as possible at any emergency medical facility, such as Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center’s Emergency Room or the University of Kentucky Emergency Room. To preserve your legal options, it is important to have a medical exam to assess for physical injuries and to collect evidence. You may have the exam and then decide not to pursue legal action. The medical provider will address the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Prophylactic medications will be offered. The medical examination is free. To preserve evidence and to assist the examination:
    • Be sure NOT to bathe, douche, urinate, or defecate prior to arriving at the Emergency Room.
    • Be sure NOT to change clothes. If you have already removed clothing, place it in a paper bag and bring it with you.
    • Take extra clothes with you, as clothing will likely be held as evidence.
    • Please ask for someone you trust or a member of the Faculty or Staff to go with you.  (Please note that most employees of the College are obliged to report information about sexual misconduct to the Title IX Team; see Article III, Confidentiality, for a list of confidential resources.)
  4. Report the assault to campus authorities, local law enforcement and/or to one of the members of the Title IX Team (however, see below regarding confidentiality). Individuals are strongly encouraged to come forward to report an assault and to receive appropriate professional counseling. In addition to being a violation of this Policy, sexual assault is a criminal act, and the College takes sexual misconduct very seriously. Centre College is committed to ensuring a safe campus for all students and employees.