Abroad Student Reflection on Learning
Student Reflection on Learning
1) What core concepts or ideas will you take away from this course?
2) Every course seeks to develop or improve general academic skills (e.g. analysis, writing, problem solving. speaking, etc.). Describe your improvement of existing skills or development of new skills resulting from this course.
3) Are there aspects of this course you would suggest changing to better enable your learning? If so, please describe.
Questions 4-9 Indicate whether you generally agree or disagree with the following statements, or whether you have no strong opinion about them.
4) The organization of the course helped me understand the material.
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
5) The instructor clearly communicated the expectations for student work.
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
6) I received feedback in a timely manner to help me improve my work.
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
7) The feedback helped me understand how I needed to improve my work.
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
8) The instructor fostered an environment in the classroom where I felt respected.
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
9) The instructor was helpful outside of class.
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
Did Not Seek Help Outside of Class
10) Explain the ratings you provided in the previous six questions
Questions 11-12 Indicate whether you generally agree or disagree with the following statements, or whether you have no strong opinion about them.
11) The instructor effectively balanced course material (such as readings and lectures) with experiential aspects of the course (such as site visits, guest lectures, excursions, field research, and cultural events).
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
12) This course fostered intercultural communication skills.
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
13) How has your study-abroad/study-away experience enhanced your knowledge and understanding of the location and the course content?
14) Would you recommend this instructor to a fellow student? Explain.
15) In your opinion, the workload in this course (in relation to other similar courses) was:
Much Lighter
About the Same
Much Heavier
16) Your expected grade in this course is:
P (Pass)
U (Unsatisfactory)
17) Additional Comments