Ensembles Student Reflection on Learning
Student Reflection on Music Ensemble
1) Describe your improvement of existing skills or development of new skills resulting from this ensemble.
2) In a musical ensemble setting, members rely upon one another to perform their respective parts well. Describe your experience and contributions to creating a musical sense of “togetherness” within the ensemble.
3) Are there aspects of this ensemble that you would suggest changing to better enable your learning and development of skills? If so, please describe.
Questions 4-9: Indicate whether you generally agree or disagree with the following statements, or whether you have no strong opinion about them.
4) The organization of this ensemble helped me develop my skills.
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
5) The instructor clearly communicated the expectations for this ensemble.
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
6) The feedback helped me understand how I needed to improve.
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
7) The director fostered an environment in which I felt respected.
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
8) The director fostered a sense of community in the ensemble.
Agree most of the time
Disagree most of the time
No strong opinion
9) The director was helpful.
Agree Most of the Time
Disagree Most of the Time
No Strong Opinion
10) Explain the ratings you provided in the previous six questions
11) Would you recommend this director to a fellow student? Explain.
Questions 12-15: Indicate whether you generally agree or disagree with the following statements, or whether you have no strong opinion about them.
12) My understanding and/or abilities regarding fundamental music skills (pitch, tone, rhythm, dynamics etc.) has increased.
Agree most of the time
Disagree most of the time
No strong opinion
Not applicable to this ensemble
13) My understanding of musical styles or cultural expressions has increased.
Agree most of the time
Disagree most of the time
No strong opinion
Not applicable to this ensemble
14) My skill in arranging has improved
Agree most of the time
Disagree most of the time
No strong opinion
Not applicable to this ensemble
15) My skill in musically responding to my fellow musicians has improved
Agree most of the time
Disagree most of the time
No strong opinion
Not applicable to this ensemble
16) Explain the ratings you provided in the previous four questions.
17) Additional comments.