Faculty Handbook 2022-2023 > Resources, Support Services, and Facilities > Grace Doherty Library > Services
The Reference and Instruction Librarians provide research sessions to students throughout the academic year. Developing critical thinking and metacognition with a focus on facilitating high-level information literacy skills are foremost in coursespecific sessions, which are available by appointment with the Divisional Librarian Liaisons. Reference librarians are also available for one-on-one instruction and chat reference. The Reference and Instruction Librarians work closely with faculty members to provide relevant and timely instruction and assistance with research assignments. You can find more information via this link: https://library.centre.edu/instruction.
The library subsidizes interlibrary loan and document delivery for Centre College faculty and students. All ILL (interlibrary loan) books must be returned on or before the due date. View our policies and how to create an account here.
Faculty members may place library materials on reserve for their classes. Contact the Circulation Desk Supervisor or visit the library web page (http://library.centre.edu) for detailed information. The Access Services Supervisor manages both traditional reserves and electronic reserves. Physical copies, including books, either from the library collection or personal copies, DVDs or photocopies may be placed on either Closed Reserve (4 hours) or Open Reserve (3 days). Please submit requests for electronic reserves three days in advance of when they will be needed for class. The library makes every effort to comply with federal copyright regulations. For additional information, see the section on Course Reserves at http://library.centre.edu.
Grace Doherty Library