Class Visit Form
Revised Class Visit Form
For use during the academic year 2021-22
Course Number and Title:
Date of Pre-Visit Conversation:
Date of Visit:
Date of Follow-up Conversation:
This evaluation form asks you to offer information about the class, the instructor, and instructor-student interactions. Please offer detailed examples where possible. Your specific and general comments provide important information for instructor improvement and administrative evaluation. You should notify the instructor of the visit date in advance.
Part 1: Class Narrative
1. Please briefly describe how the class you observed fits into the overall structure of the course.
2. Please briefly describe what took place during the class from its start to finish (one-paragraph narrative or bulleted list).
Part 2: Specific Comments
Please consider the instructor’s strengths and areas for improvement in the following categories:
1. Content: Drawing on the class you observed and what you know about its context (from the syllabus, previsit conversation, and/or other supporting documentation such as the Moodle page), briefly describe the content of the class. Was it appropriately challenging for the course level? Was it appropriately aimed at the audience of the class (e.g. majors, first years, etc.)? Other comments about the content?
2. Methods: What were the goals of the instructor for the class you observed? What strategies did the instructor use to achieve those goals? What strengths did you observe in the instructional strategies and methods, and what suggestions would you offer for how the instructor might more effectively meet their goals?
3. Organization: Was the class organized in a way that flowed from the instructor’s goals and enhanced student learning? How did the instructor articulate the objectives for the class and its place in the overall structure and flow of the course?
4. Communication: What strategies did the instructor use to effectively communicate with students throughout the class? What appeared effective? Do you have any suggestions?
5. Engagement and Inclusivity: What methods and strategies did the instructor use to welcome, engage, and include all students, and/or to create a collaborative classroom environment? How did you observe students responding to these strategies?
Part 3: General Comments
1. What strengths did you observe in the class, in any supporting documents you saw, and/or in your conversation with the instructor about goals, strategies, and student learning?
2. What areas would you identify as showing space for improvement? Describe any ideas you or the instructor have for how to address these areas moving forward.