Faculty Activity Summary
January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020
Please electronically submit as three separate documents your faculty activity summary, professional development plan, and updated curriculum vitae no later than February 10, 2021 to Marsha Crowe (marsha.crowe@centre.edu) and to your division chair. Also, if you held an endowed professorship during part of all of 2020, please attach a report of how you used the funds associated with your professorship.
Please make sure the subject line in your e-mail is 2020 Faculty Activity Summary. Please name your documents:
1) Lastname.Firstname.FAS.docx, (e.g., Crowe.Marsha.FAS.docx),
2) Lastname.Firstname.PDP.docx,
3) Lastname.Firstname.CV.docx, and
4) Lastname.Firstname.END.docx
Sending these files as word documents is helpful to your division chair and the associate dean as they copy and paste from these documents to prepare for your annual review.
Periodically, we may be asked to share your CV with college committees considering faculty members for awards and honors or as information on faculty grant proposals. Do we have your permission to share your CV for these college-related reasons?
YES or NO (please select one)
Recall the following revisions to 2020 Faculty Annual Reviews
• Faculty may choose to be officially evaluated in any or all areas (teaching, scholarship, or service) in 2020, independent of their choices in the other areas. For example, a faculty member may want to seek an “Excellent” evaluation in scholarship for a 2020 peer-reviewed publication, but not have their Teaching and Service evaluated.
Select your choice for official evaluation in each area for 2020:
Evaluate or Do Not Evaluate Effective Teaching
Evaluate or Do Not Evaluate Scholarly and Professional Activity & Achievement
Evaluate or Do Not Evaluate Service to the College and Community
I. Teaching Activities
A. Courses taught. Please list the course number, course title, and number of teaching credits for each course taught during the past year. Be sure to include lab sections, music ensembles, drama productions, and for-credit independent- or directed-study courses. In Notes, please indicate if your course was a CBL (community-based learning) course, or if it was taught abroad (add rows as needed).
Term Course Number Course Title Number of Credits Notes
CentreTerm 2020
Spring Term 2020
Fall Term 2020
B. If you taught more or fewer than the standard 18-hour teaching load in 2020, please briefly describe the reason (such as sabbatical, Stodghill, mentoring, service, balancing past overload).
C. Please list any non-credit-earning or credit-earning student research experiences lasting at least three (3) weeks that you mentored. In Notes, please add if any conference presentation, exhibit, etc. resulted from the work (add rows as needed).
Student Name Topic Duration (wks) Was this for course credit? Notes
D. Please list any for-credit internships for which you were the faculty member of record, and indicate if you or someone else was the primary supervisor of the students’ work (add rows as needed).
Course # Student Name Topic Duration (wks) Briefly describe the level of your direct involvement before, during, or after the internship.
E. Please feel free to reflect (≤ 500 words) on your work as a teacher during 2020. You may want to include something for which you are particularly proud and/or an area that you hope to improve in 2020. If there are obstacles to your success beyond your control, you are encouraged to suggest how administrative support might remove those obstacles.
F. Please feel free to reflect (≤ 500 words) on the effect of COVID on your work as a teacher during 2020.
II. Scholarly and Professional Activities:
A. Please list below any professional meetings or workshops you attended (add rows as needed).
Name of Meeting, Conference, or Workshop Level of Participation* Title of any talk, organizational work, and/or workshop topic Were you accompanied by students?
*Participation: attended; presented paper; organized session; discussant; panelist; mentored student participants
For cancelled or postponed presentations/conferences, example CV citations can be found at:
• https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/canceled-conferences
• https://style.mla.org/presentation-canceled-conference/
B. Please list any scholarly works (i.e., articles, books, encyclopedia entries, juried/peer-reviewed creative endeavors, or reviews) completed in 2020.
C. Include below a brief description of any on-going/incomplete research/scholarship/creative works to which you devoted significant time in 2020 and that you would like to mention.
D. Please describe any proposals (for grants, fellowships, etc.) that you contributed to during 2020. Be sure to mention any collaborators, the primary purpose of the proposed work, where you submitted the proposal, and the resulting outcome, if known.
E. Please share (≤ 500 words) information about any other professional activities for 2020 that you would like to mention.
F. Please feel free to reflect (≤ 500 words) on the effect of COVID on your work as a scholar/artist/professional during 2020.
III. College and Community Service
A. Please list your committee assignments (including any ad hoc/temporary assignments) for 2020. Please indicate if you were the committee’s chair (add rows as needed).
Term(s) Committee name Chair or Special Role
B. Advising and Mentoring:
1. Advisees (as of 12/31/20)
# of declared-major advisees # of undeclared advisees
2. Please share any work you do for a student organization, athletic team, or scholarship program as a faculty advisor, liaison, or mentor.
C. Please share any of your activities that contributed to the community beyond Centre—either to your professional academic community or the off-campus community (local to global).
D. Please share (≤ 500 words) any further thoughts about your service to the College and/or off-campus community, whether formal or informal work (e.g., diversity and inclusion initiatives, contributing professional expertise to local organizations, serving on boards, etc.).
E. Please feel free to reflect (≤ 500 words) on the effect of COVID on your service to the College and/or off-campus community during 2020.
Suggested guidelines for your professional development plan for the 2021 calendar year.
A. Length ≤ 500 words. Feel free to use prose or a bulleted list, it’s up to you.
B. Describe what you hope to accomplish related to your teaching (e.g., new course planning, course redesign, piloting new pedagogical approaches, supporting student success, building an inclusive classroom, etc.) in the upcoming year.
C. Describe what you hope to accomplish related to your research and/or creative work. Imagine a timeline for accomplishing your goals (paper, book, presentation, recital, gallery showing, etc.) and share what progress you expect to make during the upcoming year.
D. Feel free to draw attention to any noteworthy service that you expect to engage in.
E. Feel free to reflect on ways that the administration might support your professional success and career satisfaction in the upcoming year.
F. Please mention any upcoming leave (e.g., sabbatical) requests or course reductions (e.g., Stodghill Research Professorships) that you are anticipating.
G. Finally, include a tentative list of the professional meeting(s) you hope to attend in the upcoming year.