Classroom Visits
Each untenured faculty member shall receive during each academic year at least three announced classroom visits by the Division Chair or by another faculty member designated by the Division Chair. At least one of these visits shall be made by the Division Chair. A written evaluation noting the date, nature, and results of each visit shall be made by the Division Chair or the faculty member designated by the Division Chair. A sample evaluation form for classroom visits is included in Appendix D: Evaluation Forms. Visitors may respond to the questions on a separate sheet.
Following the classroom visit, the visitor shall send a copy of the draft evaluation to the untenured faculty member for review. The untenured faculty member and the visitor shall meet in person for a follow-up conversation. The date of that conversation shall be recorded on the classroom visit form. After the meeting with the untenured faculty member, the visitor will have the option of revising the proposed evaluation. Within two weeks of the classroom visit, the visitor shall send copies of the final evaluation to the untenured faculty member and to the Division Chair, who shall promptly send a copy to the Dean’s assistant to distribute to the file and to the Associate Dean. The untenured faculty member may also choose to send comments on the final evaluation to the visitor and to the Division Chair, who shall promptly send a copy to the Dean of the College. A copy of the final evaluation and of any comments by the untenured faculty member on the final evaluation shall be placed in the untenured faculty member’s open file. These documents shall be read as part of the annual review, mid-probationary review, and tenure review.
For the 2020-21 academic year, each untenured faculty member may request two or three announced teaching observations by the Division Chair or by another faculty member designated by the Division Chair. An untenured faculty member shall have no more than two visits in a single term and at most one class visit during Fall Term 2020. Prior to the class visit, the untenured faculty member and the visitor shall identify an appropriate observation opportunity, discuss the overall course structure, the instructor’s learning goals and teaching strategies, and overall student learning in the course. The untenured faculty member shall provide the visitor with a syllabus and, as appropriate, may add the visitor to the course Moodle page so that they can see how students are engaging with the material asynchronously. Within two weeks after the class visit, the visitor shall complete the 2020-21 Class Visit Form and send a draft version to the untenured faculty member for review, after which the untenured faculty member and the visitor shall have a conversation. The date of that conversation shall be recorded on the 2020-21 Class Visit Form and, after the meeting with the untenured faculty member, the visitor has the option of revising the draft form. Within three weeks of the class visit, the visitor shall send a final evaluation to the untenured faculty member and to the Division Chair, who shall promptly send a copy to the Dean’s assistant to distribute to the untenured faculty member’s file and to the Associate Dean. The untenured faculty member may also choose to send comments on the final evaluation to the the Division Chair, and the Associate Dean. A copy of the final evaluation and of any comments by the untenured faculty member on the final evaluation shall be placed in the untenured faculty member’s file. These documents shall be read as part of the annual review, mid-probationary review, and tenure review.