Student Life Office

The purpose and mission of the Division of Student Life Office is to contribute to a safe, social, learning environment in which the individual will foster an appropriate respect for self and others, develop responsible decision-making skills, improve relationship and coping skills, appreciate the value of community service, and enhance leadership abilities in order to take their place in a diverse society.

The Student Life staff consists of the Vice President for Student Life, Dean of Students, and staff that support Student Activities, Greek Life, Residence Life, Housing, Civic and Community Engagement, Scholarship Programs, Student Well-Being, Health Promotion, Counseling, the College Chaplain, Health Services, and Public Safety.

The Residence Life office is located in Nevin, the Department of Public Safety is located in the Walnut House, Student Health and Counseling offices are located in the Parsons Center in Sutcliffe Hall, and Student Life Office is located on the second floor of the Campus Center.