I. Overview of Sexual Misconduct

As a fundamental policy and in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (“Title IX”), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and all other applicable federal and state non-discrimination laws, Centre College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran's status, or genetic information in its educational programs and activities, admissions, and with regard to employment. Harassment based upon an individual’s legally protected status is a form of prohibited discrimination. Centre College hires and promotes its employees and admits its students on the basis of merit, qualification, and character.
This Policy addresses the College’s prohibition of sex discrimination. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, and other forms of sexual misconduct are forms of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.

Centre College is committed to a safe and healthy environment and, as such, will not tolerate sexual misconduct of any kind. In addition to violating this Policy, any form of sexual misconduct is also a violation of federal and state laws.

Sexual misconduct is a broad category of behaviors that includes but is not limited to sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, cyber-stalking, bullying and cyber-bullying when based on sex or gender.

This Policy also expressly prohibits aiding or facilitating the commission of sexual misconduct, and retaliation against any individual involved in bringing a claim or supporting someone who brings a claim under this Policy. Sexual misconduct and other terms found within this Policy are defined in Section V below.

Sexual misconduct can occur between strangers or non-strangers, including people involved in a dating, intimate, or sexual relationship. Sexual misconduct can be committed by males or by females, and it can occur between people of the same or different sex.

All students, faculty, staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors of the College are subject to this Policy. Sexual misconduct committed in connection with any College-sponsored activity is prohibited whether on or off campus. This Policy also applies to off-campus conduct that the College has determined may cause an unacceptable disruption to the College or which may infringe on an individual’s right to a non-discriminatory education and/or work environment. Individuals who violate this Policy are subject to disciplinary action deemed appropriate by the College; up to and including termination for employees, contractors, and volunteers; and up to and including no trespass orders for guests. Students are subject to sanctions up to and including suspension and expulsion. (The complete list of possible sanctions for a violation of this Policy is included below in Section IV.)