Inclement Weather Policy
As a highly residential campus, the College historically has not closed during inclement weather. Centre's goal is to maintain normal operations and educational processes, while remaining sensitive to safety concerns.
Because of the residential nature of the College, Centre does not cancel classes campus-wide. In the event of severe weather where faculty members feel that it is unsafe for them to make it to campus and convene class, those faculty will notify students by email at least one hour prior to class time with assignments and arrangements for making up the missed class.
There may be occasions when it may be necessary to delay the opening of offices due to the inclement weather. This would not impact faculty members making their decisions as outlined in the above paragraph. The Department of Public Safety and the Dean’s Office will communicate with personnel throughout the immediate surrounding area to determine if road conditions warrant special action from the College. Should it be determined to delay opening the offices until such a time it is reasonable to expect employees to safely report to work, the College will notify individuals via our mass communications system, social media channels, and our website. Any delay will be referred to as “Plan B” and indicate the time offices should be open. Those staff members who feel that they would not be able to safely report by the designated time may elect to utilize a PTO day. Hourly employees reporting to work at the designated time will be paid the full shift. They would record normal day work hours on their timecard.
For the purposes of this policy, regardless of the weather situation, employees who perform critical services for the support of students and the College during inclement weather will be expected to come to work at their normal time. For the purpose of this policy, those who fall under critical services are: Senior Staff personnel, public safety officers, facilities management staff, the switchboard operator, and members of the College’s Crisis Management Team. Supervisors of employees who perform these or other critical services during inclement weather are responsible for communicating attendance expectations in advance and discussing anticipated transportation difficulties.