Maternity, Paternity and Adoptive Leave

The College will comply with any and all applicable federal and state laws pertaining to maternity, paternity and adoptive leaves. The purpose of this policy is to create a policy that goes beyond the minimum leave available (FMLA) in supporting the Faculty by providing them with clear options for handling their professional and parental obligations while trying to avoid placing any undue burden on the College, the Faculty member or other faculty.


  1. To be eligible for this paid leave of absence that runs concurrently with FMLA leave, the faculty member must be a continuing full-time faculty member who does not accrue sick or vacation/PTO time.
  2. This leave of absence will not count against the timing or eligibility of sabbatical or other leaves.
  3. Unless the faculty member makes a specific, written request to the VP for Academic Affairs that the tenure date be altered, this leave of absence will not alter the tenure date.
  4. The faculty member will consult with the VP for Academic Affairs far enough in advance, normally five to six months in advance, of the requested leave to allow for sufficient time to review course arrangements, provide for adequate replacement, etc. Notice of the leave request should be in writing to the VP for Academic Affairs. The VP for Academic Affairs will respond in writing, copying the Human Resources Office.
  5. The response from the VP for Academic Affairs will trigger the Human Resources Office to provide the necessary FMLA paperwork to the faculty member to complete before his or her leave.
  6. Family and Medical Leave Act allows for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for eligible faculty. This parent leave of absence will run concurrently with any available FMLA.
  7. When more than two weeks of absence will fall within one long term, the eligible faculty member will be relieved of teaching responsibilities during the entire semester in which the child is born or adopted.
  8. The eligible faculty member will receive a two course release (typically no more than six credit hours) during the term the child is born or adopted. This time will be paid. Should the faculty member wish to have additional time beyond the two course release, this may be arranged, in advance, without pay. Should the birth or adoption of the child not result in more than a two week absence from class, or should the child be born or adopted during the summer months, the faculty member may elect how they wish to utilize their two-course release during the next academic year.
  9. A faculty member receiving a course reduction affirms him/herself to be the primary caregiver of the child during the time of the course reduction. Course reductions are only available to faculty in the role of primary caregivers.
  10. In the case that both parents are Centre College faculty members, then only two courses in total may be taken for a given birth or adoption. If one parent is a faculty member and the other is a Centre staff member, the parents are similarly limited to one leave benefit, which can be shared as discussed with the Dean of the College and the staff member’s supervisor.
  11. If the birth or adoption of the child occurs during a time when the faculty member is not teaching, then the faculty member shall continue with advising and committee service during the time that a course (or two course) leave is taken. If a release is required from those duties, a maximum of a one term release from advising and committee service will be granted.