Formal Resolution Process
The College offers a formal process leading to resolution of a complaint if: the complaint involves sexual violence; the informal resolution is not agreed upon or fails to satisfactorily resolve a concern; and/or the College determines the formal process is appropriate or necessary.
The College will strive to complete a thorough, fair, impartial, and timely investigation. The Title IX Coordinator will appoint an investigator, who is normally a trained member of the Title IX team to conduct the investigation. The Reporting Party and the Responding Party will be notified in writing of the investigator(s) assigned to their case.
The investigator will require the Reporting Party or College representative making the complaint to complete Step 1. Steps 2-5 will follow.
Step 1: Reporting Party's Written Statement
The Reporting Party will be asked to complete a written statement of the sexual misconduct allegations. The statement should be as specific as possible, and, to the extent the information is available, including dates, times, locations, a description of the alleged misconduct and the name(s) of the Responding Party(ies). The Reporting Party should also provide a list of any person(s) who may have information that would be helpful to the investigation and hearing process. The Reporting Party will submit the above information to the investigator.
Step 2: College's Response
Once the Reporting Party has submitted the written statement of allegations, the investigator will likely meet with the Reporting Party to discuss his/her/their complaint and to ask any clarifying questions from the written statement. The investigator will make sure that the Reporting Party has been adequately advised of available immediate measures (such as housing reassignments, security escorts, or class schedule changes) that are appropriate prior to a hearing on the complaint.
The investigator will then contact the Responding Party to schedule a meeting to discuss the allegations. Within a reasonable period of time prior to the scheduled meeting time to discuss the allegations, the investigator will provide, typically in person, to the Responding Party a written notice of the allegations, including the parties involved, the specific section of the Sexual Misconduct Policy or other parts of the student Code of Conduct alleged to be violated, the precise conduct that is alleged to constitute the potential violation, and the date and location of the alleged incident. This notice may be a copy of the Reporting Party's complaint statement if it includes this necessary information. During the meeting with the Responding Party, the investigator will ask questions and listen to his/her/their version of the incident. During the meeting the Responding Party will have the right to have present an advisor, who may be an attorney, but the advisor will not be permitted to participate in any way in the meeting, except to advise the Responding Party.
Step 3: Responding Party's Response
The investigator will ask the Responding Party to provide a written response to the allegations by a specified date or within a reasonable period of time necessary to keep the process moving forward. The Responding Party will be asked also to provide a list of any person(s) who may have information that would be helpful to the investigation and hearing process. A copy or summary of the response will be forwarded to the Reporting Party or the College representative bringing the complaint, as the case may be (with names and personally identifying information of other students redacted consistent with state and federal law)
Step 4: Witness Statements and Other Evidence
The investigator will collect any witness statements and other evidence he or she deems important to help assess whether sexual misconduct has occurred.
Step 5: Investigation Report
Upon gathering all the relevant evidence and speaking with the parties and witnesses deemed relevant by the investigator, the investigator will prepare an investigation report to be reviewed by the Title IX Coordinator. The investigation report will contain a summary of the information and documents collected during the investigation and which the investigator considers relevant. This investigation report will be sent to the appropriate College Hearing Office, as set forth below, as well as being shared with the Reporting Party and Responding Party, with any information redacted consistent with federal and state law. The parties will aslo have access to any information that will be used during any administrative hearings.
Administrative Hearing
The function of this hearing is for a College Hearing Officer (see below for the identity of the hearing office) to hear from the Reporting Party, the Responding Party, and/or any other witness the hearing officer deems necessary to determine whether it is more likely than not that the Responding Party is responsible for the misconduct alleged, whether the conduct violated the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, and, if so, to determine an appropriate sanction. Hearing officers will be trained in the conducting of fair hearings, in the terms of this Policy, and of issues involved in sexual misconduct, including victim trauma. The College Hearing Officer will receive a copy of the Investigation Report.
All administrative hearings will be conducted by the following College Hearing Officers:
- Complaints against Students will be heard by the Vice President and Dean of Student Life (or a designee). Please see below for the Hearing Procedure;
- Complaints against Staff will be heard by the Vice President for Human Resources and Administrative Services (or a designee). Please see the Staff Handbook for the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Procedure;
- Complaints against Faculty will be heard by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs (or a designee). Please see the Faculty Handbook for the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Procedure.
Hearing Procedure:
- The Reporting Party and Responding Party will be notified of the date, time and location of the hearing.
- The hearing is closed and generally includes only the Reporting Party, the Responding Party, and the College Hearing Officer (the Hearing Officer may permit another College official to act as an observer of the proceedings, but not as a participant). The College Hearing Officer may meet with the parties together or separately, based on the circumstances. (The Reporting Party will not be required to attend a hearing with the Responding Party, but may meet separately with the Hearing Officer or otherwise participate remotely.)
- Both parties are allowed to have an advisor for the hearing (for example, an employee of Ampersand (formerly BRCC) or a parent could serve as an advisor). The advisor (for either party) may be an attorney, but the advisor is not allowed to participate in the hearing in any manner. The attorney may attend and consult with their client (the Reporting Party or the Responding Party) but may not ask questions and/or otherwise engage in the process. If a party’s attorney is present, then the College may also have an attorney present. If a party decides to have an advisor present at the hearing, then the party must provide at least 48-hours' advance notice that the advisor will be present, along with the name of the advisor, and whether the advisor is also an attorney. The College will endeavor to inform the other parties if any of the parties is planning to include an advisor in the hearing.
- The Reporting Party and Responding Party may each submit a written statement concerning the alleged misconduct, the effect of the misconduct, and the appropriate sanction. The College Hearing Officer has discretion to limit the testimony or information offered if it is cumulative, irrelevant, or otherwise not helpful to the determination of responsibility or sanction.
- The College Hearing Officer may ask questions of the Reporting Party, of the Responding Party, and of any other witnesses and will consider the statements and any relevant information in the Investigation Report.
- The College Hearing Officer will determine whether the Responding Party has violated the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy. If there is a determination of violation, then the College Hearing Officer will also determine, after consultation with appropriate College personnel, appropriate sanction(s) against the Responding Party. The College Hearing Officer will also determine if any remedies are appropriate to provide to the Reporting Party following the hearing process.
- After the hearing is concluded, the Responding Party and Reporting Party will be informed in writing at the same time of the outcome and the rationale for the same. The sanction(s) will be communicated in writing to the Responding Party, and any sanction(s) that directly relate to the Reporting Party will be communicated in writing to the Reporting Party. Also, any College administrators, faculty, or staff who require the information to carry out the sanction(s), will receive the appropriate information. The Reporting Party will also receive information on any remedies that are available to him/her/them.
Appeal Process
The Responding Party or the Reporting Party each may appeal the decision and/or sanction to the President. Appeals are only available on the bases for appeal set forth below. Appeals must be submitted to the Title IX Coordinator within (5) five business days of receipt of the written decision and must specify the grounds for the appeal.
The grounds on which an appeal may be filed with the President are limited to the following:
- New information not available to the hearing officer which, if available at the time of the hearing, may have affected the decision;
- Evidence that established procedures were not followed in a manner that may have affected the decision, and/or;
- The sanction was disproportionate for the violation.
Any appeal filed pursuant to this Policy shall be shared with the other party(ies) within 2 business days of the receipt of the appeal. The other party will have 3 business days to respond in writing, sending the response to the Title IX Coordinator.
The President shall review the report and sanctions to be imposed, and may review any documents, materials, or statements obtained during the investigation or presented during the hearing. In addition, the President shall review the appeal document and any response received from the non-appealing party(ies).
The President may accept, reject, or modify the finding and/or sanctions based on one or more of the three, above-listed grounds for appeal.
The President will, under normal circumstances, make a final decision on the appeal within 10 business days of receiving the timely-filed appeal and timely-filed responses. The President will communicate the decision, in writing, to the Title IX Coordinator, who will forward the decision to the Responding Party, the Reporting Party, and the College Hearing Officer who conducted the underlying hearing in the case.
The Title IX Coordinator shall forward the President’s decision to the Responding Party's department chair, dean/supervisor, and appropriate vice president(s).
The President's decision shall be final.
Disciplinary Action
Should disciplinary action be required, it will be taken by the following College officials, after consultation with appropriate Centre personnel:
- Students: Disciplinary action will be taken by the Vice President and Dean of Student Life.
- Staff: Disciplinary action will be taken by the supervisor and Vice President for Human Resources and Administrative Services.
- Faculty: Disciplinary action will be taken by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The sanctions available under these processes are intended to reflect the facts and circumstances of a particular case as best they can be determined. Sanctions also are premised on the College’s role as an educational institution. Sanctions may be issued individually, or a combination of sanctions may be imposed. The determination of sanctions is based upon a number of factors, including: the harm suffered by the Reporting Party; any ongoing risk to either the Reporting Party or the community posed by Responding Party; the impact of the violation on the community, its members, or its property; any previous conduct violations; and any mitigating or aggravating circumstances
Depending upon the severity of the misconduct and other factors pertinent to the situation and the parties involved, for a student, the sanctions range as follows (as provided in the Student Handbook):
- Warning—A notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated institutional regulations.
- Probation—A written reprimand for violation of specified regulations. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found to violate any institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period.
- Loss of Privileges—Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time.
- Fines—Previously established and published fines may be imposed.
- Restitution—Compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.
- Discretionary Sanctions—Work assignments, essays, service to the college, or other related discretionary assignments.
- Residence Hall Relocation—Relocation of the student from one room or residence hall to another room or residence hall either for a definite period of time, or indefinitely.
- Residence Hall Suspension—Separation of the student from the residence halls for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
- Residence Hall Expulsion—Permanent separation of the student from the residence halls.
10. College Suspension—Separation of the student from the college for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
11. College Expulsion—Permanent separation of the student from the college.
In addition, the sanctions could include a requirement of counseling or education. For faculty and staff, the sanctions range from a warning to termination of appointment/employment, and could include a requirement of counseling or education.
Final Report
Upon completion of a sexual misconduct investigation, the file containing all documentation relating to the complaint will be maintained in the Human Resources Department in a separate confidential file.
A copy/copies of the final outcome or determination letter from any formal disciplinary action will be maintained in accordance to the following guidelines:
- Students: In the Student’s file, maintained by the Vice President and Dean of Student Life.
- Staff: In the Staff member’s personnel file, maintained in the Human Resources Department.
- Faculty: In the Faculty member’s personnel file, maintained in the Human Resources Department, and within the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
As required by law, Centre College Department of Public Safety collects and annually reports statistical information concerning sexual misconduct that occurs within its jurisdiction.