Article VIII The Faculty and The Council of the College

The Faculty and The Council of the College

  1. All organs of college government exercise their delegated authorities subject to the review of the President of the College and ultimately the Board of Trustees.
  2. The Faculty of Centre College shall consist of the President, all officers of instruction having the rank of instructor or above, and other administrative officers recommended by the President and approved by the Board to have such rank. The faculty shall conduct its business according to the Articles of Organization of the Faculty, which shall govern its activities.
  3. The Council of Centre College of Kentucky shall consist of fifteen members of the faculty, elected by the Faculty; eight students, elected by the Student Government Association (As amended 4-19-02); and eight members of the staff, elected by the Staff Congress. These representatives shall be elected by their respective electing bodies according to processes established by these elective bodies and not inconsistent with the By-Laws of the Council. In addition to these elected representatives, the President of the College, the Dean of the College, the Dean of Students, the Dean of Admissions, the Vice President for Finance, the Athletic Director, the President of the Faculty, the President and Vice President of the Student Government Association, the two co-Presidents of the Staff Congress, and the chairs of the standing committees of the Council shall serve, ex-officio, as voting members of the Council.
  4. The Board of Trustees, having and retaining ultimate responsibility and jurisdiction over all functions of the College, shall specify the organization, powers, and duties of the Faculty and the Council in Articles of Organization adopted with the advice of the Faculty and of the Council.