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Catalog 2024-2025
Course Descriptions
> FRE - French
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2024-2025 Academic Calendar
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Course Descriptions
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AAS - African and African American Studies
AES - Aerospace Studies
AMS - Army Military Studies
ANT - Anthropology
ARB - Arabic
ASL - American Sign Language
ARH - Art History
ARS - Art Studio
ASN - Asian Studies
BFS - Brown Fellows Seminar
BIO - Biology
BMB - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BNS - Behavioral Neuroscience
BUS - Business
CHE - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CLA - Classical Studies
CRW - Creative Writing
CSC - Computer Science
DSC - Data Science
DLM - Doctrina Lux Mentis
ECO - Economics and Finance
EDU - Education
EGR - Engineering
ENG - English
ENS - Environmental Studies
FLM - Film Studies
FRE - French
FYS - First-Year Studies
GER - German
GLC - Global Commerce
GNS - Gender Studies
GRK - Greek
HIS - History
HMS - Health and Medical Studies
HUM - Humanities
IST - International Studies
JPN - Japanese
LAS - Latin American Studies
LAT - Latin
LIN - Linguistics
MAT - Mathematics
MUS - Music
NRO - Neuroscience
NSC - Natural Science
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POL - Politics
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
SLJ - Social Justice
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
THR - Theatre
WEL - Wellness
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FRE - French
FRE 110
Introduction to French Language and Culture I
FRE 120
Introduction to French Language and Culture II
FRE 150
French Ideas and Cultures in Translation
FRE 210
Intermediate Workshop
FRE 220
Intermediate Workshop
FRE 221
Accelerated Intermediate French Workshop
FRE 251
Contemporary French Culture
FRE 261
The Francophone World
FRE 264
Mediterranian Affiliations: North Africa
FRE 265
The Québécois Enigma
FRE 267
Cultural Hybridity in South India
FRE 268
Perdu en Traduction: Translation in Practice
FRE 271
Group Conversation
FRE 280
Slice of Life: Memoirs in French
FRE 281
Climate Fiction and Francophone Ecocriticism
FRE 306
French Phonetics
FRE 310
Advanced French Grammar and Stylistics
FRE 320
Introduction to French Thought and Art
FRE 321
Introduction to French Cinema
FRE 322
Film Analysis and Contemporary French Cinema
FRE 330
FRE 335
Aurthurian Romance in France
FRE 345
Muslim Women and Veiling: Transnational Perspectives
FRE 346
Immigration and French National Identity
FRE 350
Contemporary French Culture
FRE 365
Topics in French Philosophy
FRE 410
Francophone Cultures of Cuisine
FRE 412
French for International Relations
FRE 413
Tahitian Art and Literature
FRE 415
Absurdity and Existentialism
FRE 425
Les Miserables
FRE 426
19th Century French Culture and Literature
FRE 435
On Beauty
FRE 440
Unlocking Paris
FRE 464
Mediterranian Affiliations: North Africa
FRE 465
The Québécois Enigma
FRE 466
Post-Colonial Identities: Tahiti
FRE 467
Cultural Hybridity in South India
FRE 480
Slice of Life: Memoirs in French
FRE 481
Climate Fiction and Francophone Ecocriticism
FRE 500
Senior Seminar
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Course Descriptions