416 Bereavement Leave Pay

All full-time regular salaried and hourly employees are eligible for approved bereavement leave.

Immediate family includes the following relatives of eligible employees:

*Spouse/Domestic partner *Sister *Brother-in-law
*Child *Brother *Stepchild (ren)
*Parent *Father-in-law *Grandchild (ren)
*Stepparents *Mother-in-law *Legal Guardian
*Grandparent *Sister-in-law

While the number of paid days off is not specified, normally a maximum of three days are granted. The employee’s responsibilities in regard to funeral arrangements, travel time, etc., may be considered in authorizing paid time off. However, all time off must be approved, in advance, by the employee’s supervisor. Supervisors should consult with HR prior to approving beyond three days.

An employee’s regular base pay, as determined by the College, will be continued for scheduled work time missed during authorized time off.

Hourly staff bereavement leave should be shown on the timecard covering the days of work missed during their loss. Timecards must be approved by the supervisor.

Salaried staff should submit their bereavement days through CentreNet, located behind the Staff tab then via the Time Entry/Approval link.

If the employee wishes to have visitation and/or funeral information sent out to the campus, they should notify their supervisor and/or Human Resources. Information will be sent out for the following relatives: (spouse/partner, children, parent and in-laws).