ANT 110 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
ANT 120 | Human Biological and Cultural Origins | 3 |
ANT 252 | Tombs, Temples, and Trash: Intro to Archaeology | 3 |
ECO 110 | Introduction to Economics | 3 |
EDU 127 | Education and U.S. Society | 3 |
EDU 128 | Leadership: An Act of Service | 3 |
ENS 210 | Introduction to Environmental Studies | 3 |
GNS 210 | Introduction to Gender Studies | 3 |
HIS 110 | Inventing the Modern World-I | 3 |
HIS 120 | Inventing the Modern World-II | 3 |
HIS 121 | Cultivating the Wilderness: North America 1400-1865 | 3 |
HIS 224 | Recession, Memory, and Film | 3 |
HIS 230 | Inventing the United States-I | 3 |
HIS 240 | Inventing the United States-II | 3 |
IST 110 | Introduction to International Studies | 3 |
POL 120 | Political Ideologies & Issues | 3 |
REL 101 | Introduction to Judaism and Jewish Traditions | 3 |
REL 102 | Introduction to Christianity and Christian Traditions | 3 |
REL 103 | Introduction to Islam and Islamic Traditions | 3 |
REL 110 | Biblical History and Ideas | 3 |
REL 130 | Asian Religions | 3 |
REL 151 | Religions of Africa | 3 |
REL 152 | African Diaspora Religions (Caribbean, Latin America, and the U.S.) | 3 |
REL 221 | Performing Tradition: Art, Religion, Globalization | 3 |
REL 234 | The History of Heaven and Hell | 3 |
REL 251 | Black Religions, Resistance, and Social Movements | 3 |
REL 252 | Black Religion and Popular Culture | 3 |
REL 315 | New Testament and Heretical Literature | 3 |
REL 333 | The Qur’an: Themes and Interpretations in Islam | 3 |
SOC 110 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
SOC 210 | Social Welfare: Social Workers, Activists, Bureaucrats | 3 |