
The officers of the Faculty shall be an elected President of the Faculty; the chairs of the Committee on Tenure and Reappointment, the Committee on Faculty Development, the Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards, the Off-Campus Programs Committee, and of such other committees as the Faculty may choose to add; and one elected representative from each of the three academic divisions. These officers shall constitute the Steering Committee of the Faculty and be selected in the following manner:

1. The President of the Faculty

a. The President of the Faculty shall be a tenured member of the Faculty engaged in full-time teaching or research elected by the Faculty for a three-year term. The President may succeed himself or herself.

b. The election shall be conducted by the President of the Faculty and the Registrar, and will be the first Faculty election in the spring in years when this election is necessary. The election, when necessary, will occur at the February meeting of the Faculty. If the incumbent president is a candidate for reelection, the Steering Committee will designate one of its members to preside over the election.

c. Nominations shall be in writing to the President of the Faculty or to the Registrar, the consent of the nominee having been previously secured by the nominator. To be eligible for election, a Faculty member must be self-nominated or be nominated by another member of the Faculty.

d. If no candidate receives a simple majority of the votes, a run-off election between the candidates with the two highest numbers of votes shall be held. The process shall continue until a candidate receives a simple majority of the votes.

e. The President of the Faculty shall not hold any other Faculty elected position.

f. A newly elected president of the Faculty shall give up any Faculty committee membership(s) to which she or he has been elected. A new election for any position so vacated will be held in the normal fashion.

2. The Steering Committee

a. Any tenured or tenure-track full-time employee of the College having Faculty rank, except continuing or incoming Division Chairs, may serve as an elected divisional representative on the Steering Committee. However, the President of the Faculty, continuing or newly elected members of the Tenure and Reappointment Committee, the Faculty Development Committee, the Off-Campus Programs Committee, or the Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards and Faculty on sabbatical or serving as a Faculty director abroad in the upcoming academic year may not be listed on the ballot. Additionally, the incoming appointed chairs of the General Education and Assessment Committees will not be listed on the ballot. Any elected representative may succeed himself or herself.

b. The term of office for elected representatives shall be three years. One divisional representative shall be elected each year.

c. The election of each divisional representative shall be conducted by the appropriate Division Chair at a meeting of the Division to be held in April of each year. A simple majority of the members of each division shall constitute a quorum for a divisional elections. Faculty members without divisional membership may select a division for voting purposes.

d. If a divisional representative is temporarily unable to serve at any time during the three-year term, the most recent former member of the Steering Committee elected from that Division who is eligible to serve will serve until the elected representative is able to serve again or until the term expires.e. The length of service by committee chairs on the Steering Committee shall be determined by the procedures of the committees in selecting chairs.