Faculty Elections: General Guidelines and Schedule of Elections
Under normal circumstances, no Faculty member shall serve in more than two elected positions, or on more than one of the following elected committees: Faculty Development, Tenure and Reappointment, Curriculum and Academic Standards, and the Of-Campus Programs Committee. In addition, the appointed chairs of the Assessment Committee and the General Education Committee shall not serve on any other committee. The Registrar will keep records of the results of all Faculty elections and elected Faculty positions, and, in consultation with the President of the Faculty, shall determine eligibility for office based on the restrictions noted within each Committee’s description. The Registrar and Division Chairs will conduct the elections with the advice of the President of the Faculty, as needed. In all elections, ties will be settled by lot by the President of the Faculty and the Registrar or Division Chair. The results of all elections will be announced to the Faculty. The normal schedule for Faculty elections shall be as follows:
Faculty Meetings
- President of the Faculty (when necessary)
- Committee on Tenure and Reappointment
- Special Subcommittee on Promotions (when necessary)
- Review Board
Divisional Meetings
- Faculty Development Committee
- Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards
- Faculty Steering Committee
- Off-Campus Programs Committee
- College Council Faculty representatives