XII. Record Retention
After completion of a case and all ensuing related actions, the Research Integrity Officer will prepare a complete file that includes the records of any inquiry or investigation and copies of all documents and other materials furnished to the Research Integrity Officer or committees. The Research Integrity Officer will keep the file for three years from the date the final report is filed with the ORI/program officer so that the case may be assessed later, if necessary. The Office of Research Integrity or other authorized representatives of the funding source will be given access to the records upon request.xxxiv
Issued April 1995
Revised July 2014
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.102.
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.102.
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.102.
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(12).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(13).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(2).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(13).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(3).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(1).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(1).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(1).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(8).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(7).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(7).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(7).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(7).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(a)(4); 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(15).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(a)(2).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(a)(2).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(a)(1).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(a)(1).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(15).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(a)(3).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(a)(5).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(a)(3).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(b)(1).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(b)(2).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(b)(3).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(b)(4).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.104(b)(5).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(14).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(14).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(11).
- 42 C.F.R. ' 50.103(d)(10).