Publicity General Guidelines
Any announcement for a program or event can be posted up to one week prior to the event and removed by the originating party within 24 hours after the event has concluded.
Reference to alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs in text, graphic or any other form is prohibited.
Individuals or groups found damaging or tampering with another group’s publicity prior to an event’s occurrence, for any reason, unless otherwise instructed to remove the publicity, will potentially lose the privilege of posting publicity through that medium in the future.
As an institution, Centre respects the dignity of all individuals, and expects that all forms of publicity on its campus will display that respect, along with a sense of common decency.
Exceptions may be made to the guidelines and restrictions noted above, but approval must be gained in advance by contacting the appropriate administrative office (i.e. Greek organizations contact the Director of Greek Life; other organizations contact the Director of Campus Activities). Failure to do so may result in loss of privileges for use of that method of publicity in the future. No externally viewable signage may be placed in college windows without prior approval of the Student Life Office. The College reserves the right to remove any material that is deemed inappropriate or offensive.