Publicity Policy

Campus events and programs may be publicized through a number of different methods. They include the following:

  1. Flyers, signs and posters – Designated posting areas include bulletin boards located in residence halls, academic buildings and administrative offices (i.e. the Student Life Office and Post Office). Such signs are never to be posted on the entrance doors or walls of residence halls, academic buildings, the Campus Center, Sutcliffe, or administrative offices, such as the glass foyers in Olin Hall or outside doors of Nevin Hall. To encourage effective and efficient promotion of programs through the residence halls, faculty, staff and student individuals or groups may request the assistance of the Resident Assistant staff through the Director of Residence Life. Permission must be granted from the Director of Residence Life before posting items on residence hall bulletin boards.
  2. Banners in Dining Area – Signs may be posted by registered student organizations and campus departments in the main dining area to publicize events or support particular causes. Signs reflecting or alluding to alcohol, drug use, discrimination, or degradation may be promptly removed. All space is used on a first-come, first-serve basis, and space must be reserved trough this website: Signs must be conservative in size, and may not be larger than 66”x96” (the size of a standard flat twin sheet). Signs should not be placed in the dining hall more than one week prior to the event and removed within 24 hours after the event.
  3. Table Displays – The napkin holders on the tables located in Cowan may be used by students, campus organizations, and campus offices. Please visit to reserve the use of these units. One side may be reserved for seven (7) days.
  4. E-mail – A weekly announcements e-mail is sent each Friday to all students reminding them of upcoming events. To have information included in this e-mail, please submit your notice to by 10 am on Thursday. Students and campus organizations are not permitted to send individual messages over the student listserv. This restriction is intended to preserve the integrity of this medium, so that generally campus-wide, substantial messages are delivered to and read by students. Contact the Student Life Office if you have questions about this means of publicity.
  5. Events Calendar – The Centre web page provides students, faculty and staff members, as well as visitors to our website, access to an online Events Calendar through the Centre web-site.
  6. Campus Television Channel – Events may be publicized on the campus’ cable network channel 12. Please contact the Student Life Office for more information.
  7. Other, Miscellaneous means – Sidewalk chalk, banners other than those in the main dining area, window decorations, and all other attempts to notify the college community of programs and events, if not listed above, must be approved by the Student Life Office. In-ground yard signs are not permitted on campus.