Religious Life
The Religious Life Office works to promote vital religious life and greater religious understanding on campus. This office provides encouragement and coordination of the work of campus religious groups. It strives to strengthen students’ links to their own religious traditions by facilitating local congregations’ ministries to students. The office also enhances the College’s mission to educate its students as morally and socially responsible citizens. The Religious Life Office provides pastoral care and religious counseling for the campus community and advises students considering religious vocations and divinity school programs. In addition to speakers, worship services, dinners, and discussion groups, the Religious Life Office sponsors events such as the Advent Service of Lessons and Carols, Lenten observances, Passover Seder, Eid Dinner, and Baccalaureate. Religious groups on campus include Baptist Campus Ministries, Centre Christian Fellowship, CentreFaith (interfaith dialogue group), CentrePeace (peace and justice group), Jewish Student Organization, Jesus at the Center (Methodist), Meditation Centre, Muslim Student Association, and Newman Club (Catholic).