
Everyone in the College community is strongly encouraged to support the College’s recycling program. We recycle:

  1. Mixed Paper (White & Colored Paper, Envelopes, etc.)
  2. Steel & Aluminum cans
  3. Mixed 1 & 2 Plastics (Soda/Water Bottles, Milk Jugs, Grocery bags, etc.)
  4. Cardboard
  5. Fiberboard (Cereal Boxes, Manila Folders, etc.)
  6. Newsprint (Newspaper and Inserts)
  7. Glossy Paper (Magazines, Catalogues, etc.)
  8. Books

Mixed Paper, Steel & Aluminum cans, and Mixed 1 & 2 Plastic containers are located in most residence halls, academic buildings, and central offices. Cardboard, Fiberboard, Newsprint, Glossy Paper, and Book containers are located in a few designated academic buildings and central offices (Boles Hall, Young Hall, etc.) Please remember to empty and rinse all cans and bottles and sort all paper products before recycling them. Also please keep food, liquids, and garbage out of the recycling containers. By supporting recycling in this way, everyone at Centre contributes to solving our country’s major solid waste disposal problem. The Centre College Recycling Coordinator is in charge of the recycling program and he/she directs a staff of work-study students. Groups or organizations wishing to assist in this worthy program through volunteer projects should contact the Coordinator for information.