601 Performance Discussions
Progressive Discipline Process:
While some performance and conduct expectations may result in immediate termination, the College will normally follow a progressive discipline process. The progressive discipline process followed would normally include the following:
I. A verbal conversation may occur with the employee to outline the problem and what correction actions need to occur. The supervisor should make note of the conversation for future reference should it be necessary.
II. If a verbal conversation does not correct the behavior or improve performance, the supervisor would move to a written warning. This occurs after the employee is given an opportunity to make adjustments in their performance or the specific behavior that originally led to the verbal conversation.
III. Depending upon the circumstances, the supervisor, in consultation with HR, may either issue a 1-3 day, unpaid, suspension along with a final warning. The unpaid suspension is to allow the employee time to determine if they wish to remain employed at the college and take the necessary corrective actions. The final warning is issued regardless of the unpaid suspension.
IV. Following a final warning, should the behavior and/or performance continue to not meet expectations, the supervisor may recommend termination. * A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) may be developed during the course of, or instead of one of the numeric steps above in order to attempt to improve performance.