625 Other
Emergencies -
In an emergency or life-threatening situation, the employee should dial 9-911 if using the College telephone system, or contact the college Department of Public Safety at 236 HELP for assistance. Injuries that are not emergencies or life-threatening should be promptly reported to the employee’s supervisor.
Parking Permits -
Permits for parking in any of the College’s parking lots are required and must be obtained by completing the online registration form. This form can be found by logging onto CentreNet, clicking the Staff tab and then clicking on Vehicle Registration. Permits are non-transferable and can be cancelled at the discretion of the College.
Communication -
Internal - A calendar of campus public events is available through CentreNet. Bulletin boards are located in most buildings on campus and include both permanent and temporary postings.
External – For media requests contact Jerry Boggs at 238-5718 or Amy Wise at 238-5748.
Staff Recognition -
The President may host an annual event to recognize the outstanding staff employees of the year, and to recognize years of service.
Conflicts of Interest -
Employees are not permitted to accept extraordinary gifts, entertainment, or any other personal favors from any individual or firm that supplies, or seeks to supply, any materials or services to the College. Any observed violations of this guideline should be reported to the employee’s supervisor and/or a member of Senior Staff.
Keys -
If the employee’s job requires that they be issued keys to College facilities or equipment, the employee is responsible for the safekeeping of the keys and their prompt return upon request by the College.
Employee Identification Cards -
All new employees will be issued an identification card at the Student Life Office. The employee I.D. card may be required for admission to certain College facilities, bookstore discounts, etc. The I.D. card must be returned upon separation from College employment.
Campus Post Office/Centre Document Services -
The Post Office/Centre Document Services receives and distributes mail for the campus. Window hours are normally 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, for mailing regular mail; UPS service; and the purchase of postage, certified, and insured mail. The office is closed from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. for lunch.
To minimize the cost of staffing the campus Post Office, personal mail should not normally be mailed from, or received at, the Post Office. This is especially important for personal packages that may be heavy and difficult to handle. Should you receive a personal package at the Post Office, it is your responsibility to pick up the package in a timely manner.
The Centre Document Services provides in-house printing and copying services for large departmental projects. Many jobs previously outsourced by departments should be able to be handled at a reduced rate.
Office Supplies -
Office supplies are available through Amazon Business Prime, Danville Office Equipment, and The Centre Bookstore. Procedures for ordering are outlined in the Finance Office Policy and Procedures.
Personal Use of Telephones, Computers, Copiers, Etc. -
College equipment, including telephones, copiers, computers, and fax machines, are to be used to conduct the work of the College and any use that interferes with this purpose is prohibited. Employees are expected to use good judgment in limiting the number of copies made and personal telephone calls made or received.
Blood Donor Program -
From time to time, voluntary blood donation programs may be held on campus and all able employees are encouraged to donate.
United Way -
The College conducts an annual fund drive and encourages contributions to the United Way which may be made by payroll deduction or as a one-time donation.
United Way Service Policy –
- Participants must contribute to the Centre College United Way campaign, either by payroll deduction or cash/check.
- Service will be in support of local United Way agencies.
- Hourly employees would be allotted up to 4 hours service time in one fiscal year. Service time would be taken in increments of no less than one hour up to the maximum of four hours.
- Salary employees would be allotted up to a half day of service in one fiscal year.
- Notification of intent to participate must be made in advance of the activity so that supervisors can arrange adequate coverage.
- Permission to participate on a particular day is at the discretion of the supervisor based on departmental work load and obligations.
- Supervisors will be responsible for tracking time off used by their direct reports.
Medical Fund –
The College established a Medical Fund Committee comprised of the President of the Faculty, the President of the Staff Congress and the Vice President for Human Resources and Administrative Services. Employees may make a tax deductible contribution to the fund by sending a check made payable to Centre College, with “medical fund” noted on the memo line. This check should be sent to the Alumni Department for processing.
Assistance will be available for medical expenses not covered by an employee’s health insurance policy. Any member of the faculty or staff who is covered by a health insurance policy is eligible for assistance. Applications for assistance, with appropriate documentation (e.g. bills, insurance company explanation of benefits paid) should be submitted to either the Faculty President or Staff Congress President. The request will be considered by the full Medical Fund Committee. Need will be the primary consideration in evaluating applications. Need will be a function of the amount of uncovered expenses and the faculty and staff member’s means, as well as, what dollars may or may not be available in the medical fund account.
Green Fund
This fund was established, effective in the 2009 academic year, by our student body, and then offered to employees. The purpose of this fund is to purchase renewable energy credits to support the Mother Ann Lee Electric Plant (MAL) through EON Energy.
Since the energy produced by the Hydroelectric Plant is more costly to produce than forms of energy that do harm to the environment, in purchasing the renewable energy credits, the purchaser is paying the difference of cost to help subsidize production of the MAL. Doing so ensures that the MAL remains competitive and the buyer spurs growth of more clean energy production onto the Kentucky Energy Grid. The dam in Shakertown does not disrupt any migratory fish habits and is one of only 28 U.S. hydro electric plants to earn green-e certification from dams from the Low-Impact Hydro Institute. Most importantly, the MAL has no carbon emissions.
If you wish to contribute to the College’s purchase of Renewable Energy Credits through the Green Energy program, you would need to complete the Renewable Energy Credit Purchase Agreement found on the Human Resources web site.