602 Performance and Conduct Expectations
Normal lapses of performance will generally be addressed using the evaluation procedure outlined in section 601 above. Failure to meet performance expectations may result in negative actions up to and including termination. In certain situations involving prohibited behavior and/or serious misconduct, immediate suspension or termination may be the result. Some examples include:
- Recurring tardiness, absenteeism, or both;
- Conduct that interferes with the College operations;
- Conduct that brings discredit on the College;
- Insubordination, failure to follow a supervisor’s reasonable order, or failure to carryout reasonable job assignments;
- Failure to improve performance after warning;
- False statements or falsification of records, including falsification of the employment application;
- Violation of any College rules or regulations;
- The possession of firearms on College property;
- Entry into residence hall or other facilities for purposes other than assigned duties;
- Unlawful behavior including discrimination or harassment;
- Unauthorized disclosure of any confidential College information;
- Coming to work under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other comparable substances, or possessing the same on College property;
- Rudeness or fighting with employees, students, or others;
- Unauthorized use of College property or personnel for personal reasons or theft or willful destruction of College property;
- Other serious incidents of misconduct.
All terminations for any reason must be approved by the Vice President for Human Resources and the appropriate Senior Staff member. If desired, the employee affected may make a timely written appeal consistent with the grievance procedure as outlined in this handbook.
In any case, the College reserves the right to terminate an employee at will for any reason, with or without cause.