Greek-Letter Organization Leadership and Governance

There are two governing councils that oversee the activities of the fraternities and sororities. These two governing bodies are the Panhellenic Council for sororities and the Interfraternity Council for fraternities.

Panhellenic Council

The Panhellenic Council’s objective is to develop and maintain fraternity life and interfraternity relations at a high level of accomplishment and in doing so, consider the goals and ideals of member groups as continually applicable to campus and personal life; promote superior scholarship as basic to intellectual achievement; and cooperate with member fraternities and the college administration in concern for and maintenance of high social and moral standards.

The Panhellenic Council has an internal judiciary board that handles complaints, grievances and/or violations of College and Panhellenic policy. All such items should be brought to the attention of the Panhellenic Executive Vice President.

Panhellenic Officers for 2024-2025 are: Emma Peterson, President; Ellie Vaughn, Executive Vice President; Kendal Patty, Vice President of Recruitment; Morgan Crowe, Vice President for Chapter Relations; Leah Witcher, Vice President of Enrichment; Kayla Mullin, Vice President of Administration; Kasey Montgomery, Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion; and Taylor Webb, Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations.

Interfraternity Council

The purpose of the Interfraternity Council (IFC) is to create, maintain, and perpetuate better relations among men’s inter/national recognized fraternities on campus; to inform, educate, and promote the Greek community to both those who are familiar and unfamiliar with it; and to encourage responsible participation in all areas of educational experiences including scholastic, social, intramural, and social service activities.

The Interfraternity Judicial Council (IFJC) is used to handle all fraternity violations of IFC and Greek Social policy. Any complaints, grievances, and/or violations must be brought to the attention of the Interfraternity Council Vice President of Risk Management and Chief Justice. In certain instances, it may be necessary for the College to take immediate disciplinary action. This may be necessary when, in the opinion of the college, the operations of the organization(s) involved may constitute a threat or disruption of the normal academic process of the college. Upon investigation of charges by the College, the case may then be referred back to the IFJC or handled through the college judicial system.

IFC Officers for 2024-2025 are: Jiles Wyatt, President; Wyatt Fulton, Executive Vice President; Andrew Kahn, Vice President of Risk Management; Preston Eger, Vice President of Recruitment; Thomas Cook, Vice President of Administration, Oshen Rehobson, Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, and Grant Griffith, Vice President of Marketing.

Order of Omega

Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of Greek organizations. Order of Omega recognizes juniors and seniors who have exemplified high standards in the areas of scholarship, leadership, involvement within their respective organization and within the Greek, campus, and local community. Members must have obtained a cumulative grade point average above the all-Greek grade point average and only the top 3% of Greeks may be tapped for membership. The Director of Greek Life and the Student Life Coordinator serve as co-advisors.

Gamma Sigma Alpha

Gamma Sigma Alpha is an academic honors society that seeks to recognize those members of the Centre College fraternity and sorority community who have excelled scholastically. For membership in this organization students must be a junior or senior, be in good standing with his or her chapter, and must have either a 3.5 or higher cumulative grade point average or have achieved a 3.5 out of 4.0 grade point average during a semester of their junior or senior year. The Director of Campus Activities &Greek Life and the Assistant Director of Campus Activities for Greek Life serve as co-advisors.