Section 1 - General

  1. The Student Judiciary has the authority, subject to the bylaws and policies of Centre College, to review and investigate accusations of student violations of policy, and to recommend appropriate sanctions in such cases where responsibility for violations has been established. It shall also determine the constitutionality of contested Student Government legislation in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 2G of Article V of this Constitution.
  2. The Student Judiciary shall:
    1. Hear all cases brought before it by any student, faculty or staff member, or organization, concerning student offenses;
    2. Have the authority to recommend appropriate punishments for students found responsible for violations;
    3. Require a two thirds majority vote of members present for any determination of responsibility;
    4. Conduct its meetings in private if so requested by the accused;
    5. Conduct its deliberations in private;
    6. Require a quorum of five members to conduct business;