Requirements for the Minor
Required Course
SLJ 210 | Introduction to Social Justice | 3 |
A capstone experience
Students will have some experience with social justice issues in a practical, community-based setting. A variety of experiences can count for this requirement, including Shepherd internships, academic internships, Community-Based Learning classes, Bonner service, or other experiences approved by the Social Justice committee.
During their senior year, students will be asked to analyze that experience before the committee in light of their study of social justice. This analysis will take place in the spring term before members of the committee, either in a RICE presentation, another academic setting, or a special meeting of the Social Justice Committee.
Five courses from the following lists:
(Students wishing to understand how social justice could work in relation to particular forms of difference in society may be helped by seeing several related courses listed. The minor does not require students to specialize in any track; these lists are simply meant to help students already interested in some particular areas to see related offerings. Courses may be taken as electives only if not taken to fulfill another requirement of the minor.)
EDU 265 | Education Policy and Social Change | 3 |
EDU 295 | Global Perspectives on Education | 3 |
EDU 320 | Education and Incarceration | 3 |
ANT 322 | Anthropology of Globalization | 3 |
HIS 352 | Modern Africa | 3 |
HIS 433 | Religion & Politics in Eastern Africa | 3 |
LAS 370 | Brazil's Racial Paradise: Myth or Reality | 3 |
POL 120 | Political Ideologies & Issues | 3 |
POL 371 | Political Economy of Development | 3 |
SPA 364 | Afro-Hispanic Identity: Race, Nation and the American African Diaspora | 3 |
SPA 370 | Latin American Colonial Literature | 3 |
Other topics
Race and Ethnicity
ANT 335/SOC 320 | Race and Ethnicity | 3 |
ARH 390 | Race, Photography, and America | 3 |
ENG 270 | African American Literature | 3 |
MUS 215/AAS 210 | Music and Culture of the African Diaspora | 3 |
PHI 353 | Philosophical Discussions on Ethnicity and Race: Blackness and Latinidad | 3 |
POL 339 | Race, Religion and Politics | 3 |
PSY 385 | Psychology of Race and Ethnicity | 3 |
SOC 323 | Race and Migration | 3 |
Wealth and Poverty
ECO 405 | Labor Economics and Public Policy | 3 |
SOC 120 | Social Structure | 3 |
SOC 210 | Social Welfare: Social Workers, Activists, Bureaucrats | 3 |
- Students should take courses from at least three different disciplines, not counting SLJ 210 and SLJ 350.
- At least 3 of those must be 300-level or higher.
- Upon program committee approval, additional courses may be added to the list of courses fulfilling minor requirements.
- Because some of the courses listed below have prerequisites, and several courses are not offered regularly or are offered only once every two years, students are encouraged to consult with a program committee member early on to discuss course offering schedules and options for an emphasis in the minor.